Transit Concept for 2050 (2007)

slider-transit-concept-2050Hillsborough County is projected to grow by 400,000 people over the next 20 years and will likely double in population by 2050. How the community will handle this growth is an important question on the minds of citizens, civic leaders and government officials. Where will new residents live and work? How will they get to and from their daily   stinations?  What transportation choices will be available in 20, 30 or 50 years?  How can transportation investments be used to further quality of life goals, economic development strategies and sustainable growth? Is there a better way to grow and invest our transportation dollars?

At the urging of the Citizens’ Advisory Committee, and the request from the Hillsborough County MetropolitanPlanning Organization (MPO) Board, the MPO Transit Study  ommenced in November of 2006 to begin addressing these pressing questions for Hillsborough County.  The timing of the MPO Transit Study also coincides with the concurrent  effort by the Tampa Bay Area Regional Transportation Authority (TBARTA) to develop a regional transit master plan for the eight county region.

The MPO Transit Study included the development of scenarios to illustrate the benefits and tradeoffs associated withdifferent mobility strategies for the county. One scenario focused on creating a major transit system for the county, while the other   no-build concept relied primarily on roadways to address long term mobility needs.  The conclusion from this study is that a major transit investment is a more desirable choice. The key findings illustrate the benefits associated with a transit rich future to address mobility needs that cannot be achieved through roadway capacity improvements alone.

Final Document

Transit Concept for 2050 (2007)



A – Communication

Transit Center :

Transit Center Volume 1

Transit Center Volume 2

Transit Center Volume 3

Citizen Team Presentations :

Transit Open House May 22, 2007

Transit Study presentation October 23, 2007

Technical Team Presentations :

March 2, 2007 :

BA slides

Transit Propensity

The Virtual Present

May 24, 2007 :

MPO Transit


August 23, 2007 – Technical Team

September 28, 2007 :

Tech Team Renaissance

Tech Team Rev

Leadership Presentations :

February 2, 2007 :

Doug Allen-Dallas

Cal Marsella-Denver



May 21, 2007 – Leadership_070521_final+PB

August 20, 2007 – Leadership_082007

September 24, 2007 – 092407_MPOTransitStudy

MPO Presentations :

May 12, 2006 – MasterPresentation-120506

September 4, 2007 – 090407_MPOTransitStudy

October 7, 2007 – 100207_MPOTransitStudy

October 17, 2007 – MPOTransitStudyCACFinal

November 17, 2007 – 110607-MPOTransitStudy

TPC Presentations :

November  22, 2006 – Nov20TPCWorkshoprev11-22-06

November 5, 2007 – 110507-MPOTransitStudy



 B – Values

Values Summary

Values Presentations :

Community Values Focus Groups Presentation

Focus Group Summary slides

Values Poster and Flyer

C – Scenario Workshop

Citizens Team :




Transit Scenarios :




Boards070313-forweb (41mb)


D – Principles

Guiding Principles report

E – Technology

Light Rail

Bus Rapid Transit

Transit Tech Memo

 F – Needs Opportunity

Needs Opp Summary

Boards 082607_090707

G – Alternate Concepts

AltConcepts Summary

AltConcepts Cost Maps

CS Carrying Capacity Calc Memo

CS Ridership v3

H – Transit Concept

Transit Concept Summary

Development of Transit Lines

Transit Concept Cost Maps

CS Carrying Capacity Calc Memo

CS Ridership v3
