Vision Zero Hillsborough

PLEASE JOIN US as we honor lives lost in traffic crashes on World Day of Remembrance, November 21st. Check out details on how to get involved.

What is Vision Zero all about?

At the core of the worldwide Vision Zero movement is the belief that death and injury on city streets is preventable – in other words, that traffic crashes aren’t accidents but are the result of poor behavior combined with unforgiving roadway designs.

A Vision Zero policy establishes a goal of reducing traffic fatalities and serious injuries to zero, typically by a target date. Here in Hillsborough County, a Vision Zero goal resolution has been adopted by the Tampa City Council, Hillsborough County Commission, Temple Terrace City Council, Plant City Commission, and by the School Board of Hillsborough County.

The top 20 high injury corridors were initially identified to focus resources on the worst offenders, with the next 30 then identified to assist in programming future funds. Those can be seen here along with highlights of the methodology to prioritize those in which speed played a critical role in the crash history. 

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Many thanks to our partners!

For more information contact Gena Torres at or 813-273-3774 x357




