Congestion & Crash Reduction & Intelligent Transportation Systems

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Technical Advisory Committee
Intelligent Transportation Systems

Congestion Management/Crash Mitigation Process

A Congestion Management/Crash Mitigation Process (CM/CMP) is a systematic approach for managing congestion that provides accurate, up-to-date information on transportation system performance and recommends alternative strategies that meet state and local needs.  In light of funding constraints, environmental impacts, and neighborhood concerns, the strategies are intended to focus on non-capacity projects (i.e. roadway widening).

The Hillsborough County MPO, as the agency responsible for transportation planning in Hillsborough County and its cities, is faced with the challenge of addressing how the community will move in and around the county and document this activity in a CM/CMP Performance Report.  The challenge is intensified by the fact that the Tampa Bay Area is the 18th largest metropolis in the US and Hillsborough County, with twice as much traffic as any adjacent county, lies at the center.  In addition, as of 2016, Hillsborough County alone is home to more than 1.3 million people and is expected to add as many as 600,000 new residents by 2040. Facing this challenge, it is important to focus on goals…

The CM/CMP goals are supported in the Imagine 2040 Plan, which emphasizes a shift to a multi-modal transportation system including the use of technology to manage traffic, rail transit, increased bus service, and bicycling and walking facilities.  Among the priorities of the Imagine 2040 Plan are to Reduce Crashes and to Minimize Traffic Congestion.

Congestion Management Crash Mitigation – Lane Operation Ph I Case Studies

Congestion Management & Crash Mitigation State of the System

Congestion Management Process Operations Study Summary

Map of Future Congestion with Existing + Committed Improvements

Chairs Coordinating Committee Regional Congestion Management Process Policy & Procedures

Chairs Coordinating Committee Regional Congestion Management Process State of the System

Crash Mitigation

In recent years, a greater emphasis has been placed on MPOs to incorporate safety into the transportation planning process.  MPOs must integrate safety into their Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTPs) and identify specific strategies that will improve the overall performance of the transportation system, while maximizing the safety and mobility of both citizens and goods.

It makes sense given that the transportation network impacts the safety and well-being of motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists traveling along roadways.  According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2015 over 35,000 people were killed and nearly 2.5 million were injured in crashes across the nation.  In Hillsborough County alone, 196 people were killed and almost 20,000 were injured.  Unfortunately, the State of Florida leads the nation in pedestrian and bicyclist deaths and Hillsborough County’s crash rate is consistently one of the worst in the state. For the most recent analysis of crash data in Hillsborough County, read our 2016 MPO State of the System Report.

  • Travel safety is affected by how the transportation system is designed, constructed, operated, and maintained;
  • The economic impact of motor vehicle crashes is staggering.  According to a study of 85 urban areas in the US, the cost has reached $164.2 billion per year in just those communities, or an average of $1,051 per person;
  • Crashes represent a major source of nonrecurring congestion, which is estimated in some locations to account for half of all congestion;
  • Evidence from around the world and throughout the US suggests many crashes are preventable.  More than 31 percent of US fatalities involve alcohol.  One third of fatal collisions are run-off-road collisions.

Transportation Modeling

The transportation model used to project future travel patterns is a computer model that looks at the relationship between transportation and land use.  Homes and jobs create a demand for transportation facilities.  Likewise, the availability of convenient transportation is a catalyst for land development.  Data, such as population and employment, is input into the model to assist planners in determining the types of improvements needed to most efficiently move people and goods.

The Florida Standard Urban Transportation Model Structure (FSUTMS) is the model used by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and urban area transportation planners.  In Florida, FSUTMS uses standardized computer software data formats and operating procedures, which are common to all urban studies in Florida, and whose primary purpose is to produce long-range travel demand forecasts.  Under such standardization, FDOT is able to efficiently provide software updates, procedural manuals and technical support to district and local planning agencies.

Visit the Tampa Bay Regional Transportation Analysis for further info.

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Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) (agendas) normally meets monthly on the 3rd Monday at 1:30pm (calendar)

Intelligent Transportation Systems Committee (ITS) (agendas) normally meets every other month on the 2nd Thursday at 1:30pm (calendar)

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Technical Advisory Committee

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The TAC shall be composed of technically qualified representatives employed by, or associated with, a public or semi-public agency for the purpose of planning, programming and/or engineering of the transportation system within the Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization area boundary.

The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is responsible for assisting in the development of transportation planning work programs; for coordinating transportation planning and programming; for review of all transportation studies, reports, plans and/or programs, and making recommendations to the Metropolitan Planning Organization.

TAC recommendations to the MPO are based upon the technical sufficiency, accuracy, and completeness of transportation related studies, plans and/or programs.

Intelligent Transportation Systems

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The ITS Committee is composed of technically qualified representatives employed by, or associated with, a public or semi-public agency involved in the planning, programming, engineering and/or implementation of intelligent transportation systems projects within the Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization area boundary.

The ITS Committee is responsible for assisting in the development of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) planning work programs, as well as reviewing ITS related studies, reports, plans, projects (including consistency with regional architecture and other standards and/or programs) and making recommendations to the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and/or other agencies.  The ITS Committee recommendations to the MPO are based upon the technical sufficiency, accuracy, and completeness of studies, plans and/or programs.

ITS Master Plan Update March 2013

ITS Master Plan Appendices March 2013

Final ITS Stakeholder Survey Report – Dec_2011

MPO – ITS Stakeholder Presentation Draft


Current Projects & Drafts

For projects currently under development please see Current Projects & Drafts.

Finalized & Completed Projects

Congestion Management and Intelligent Transportation Systems.




