Imagine 2040: Long Range Transportation Plan

The Long Range Transportation Plan directs federal and state dollars towards projects we value. It looks out at least 20 years and must be updated every five years.

Amendments, Modifications & Revisions to the Plan

What’s in the Plan?
What’s behind the Plan?
How is the public involved in the Plan?
What’s in the Plan?

Chapters & Appendix


Full document

What’s behind the Plan?

Supplemental technical reports on a variety of topics prepared to support the Imagine 2040 Plan.

Revenue Forecasts

A technical report forecasting revenues available for transportation projects and programs in Hillsborough County between 2019 and 2040, presented in year of expenditure dollars.

Assessments of the need for improving transportation programs:

 Preserving the System

Minimizing Traffic for Drivers & Shippers

Crash & Vulnerability Reduction

Real Choices When Not Driving

Major Investments for Economic Growth

Growth Forecasts (Socioeconomic Data)

View the Long Range Growth Forecasts

How is the public involved in the Plan?

You Spoke, We Listened!

Many people helped to shape the Long Range Transportation Plan, starting with  Imagine 2040 Working Group, the 3,529 individuals who participated in the survey for Imagine 2040: Part 1, followed by more than 2,400 citizens who weighed in on the Imagine 2040: Part 2 survey.