I-275/Fowler and Busch – Innovation Gateway Concept Studies (draft)

The Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Innovation Place (formerly Tampa Innovation Alliance) are refining your vision to implement for the makeover of I-275 interchanges at Fowler Avenue and Busch Boulevard into Innovation Gateways The concept plans will address both aesthetic and safety enhancements including decorative fencing, street furniture, public art, lighting, street trees, shrubs, and groundcover.


Phase 1 (completed 2016)


During Phase 1 the Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization developed preliminary design concepts for themed gateway statements at the I-275/Fowler Ave. and I-275/Busch Blvd. interchanges.

The gateway design concepts  focus on making a creative statement at each interchange that creates themes that communicate a sense of entry and innovation. The concepts include landscape and hardscape features as well as lighting. The southerly interchange at I-275/Busch Blvd. may develop a theme that introduces Busch Gardens, and the northerly interchange at I-275/Fowler Ave. may focus on introducing the University of South Florida and the medical institutions.

Both interchanges focus on vertical hardscape features and/or landscape enhancements and require treatments that will be viewed and enjoyed from the interstate itself and from the roadways passing under the interstate. The drawings show the location of proposed landscape/hardscape elements, and include basic material schedules.

Tasks included:

Stakeholder Meeting #1

Temple Terrace Morris Bridge Tower Concept

sign in sheet gateway #1

Hillsborough County to Innovation Alliance Sept 24 2015

Gateway Study Invite List 9-1-15

Preliminary Gateway Study Narrative

Stakeholder Meeting #2

sign in sheet


Fowler Ave. Concept 2_24x36

Fowler Ave. Concept 1_24x36

Concept 1 – BW Scan 2016-1027

Concept 2 – BW Scan 2016-1027

Gateway Study Invite List updated 11-15

FDOT meeting Jan 28, 2016


Turnpike Toll Gantry Aesthetic Research

Toll Gantry – Levels of design with estimated costs

Toll Gantry – Levels of design

Final Report

I-275 Busch Fowler Gateway Concept Report 06/30/16



Phase 2 (completed 2017)

In 2015-2016, at the request of the City of Tampa, the Hillsborough County MPO completed a project for the development of preliminary design concepts (Phase 1) for themed gateways at the I-275/Fowler Ave. and I-275/Busch Blvd. interchanges. The gateway design concepts focused on making creative statements at the two interchanges that communicate a sense of entry and innovation.

In developing the concepts for Phase 1, we learned that the Florida Department of Transportation now requires a Community Aesthetic Feature (CAF) applications for any improvements of this scale within their rights-of-way. The City will be applying for a Community Aesthetic Feature Permit this year to enhance the appearance and create gateways at the these important interchanges.

For Phase 2 the MPO will continue the gathering of stakeholder input and participate in community outreach. The final refined concept plans will determine implementation steps consistent with available construction budgets and reflect the area’s future improvements and plans.

The first workshop for Innovation Gateway community engagement was held on April 12, 2017, 5:30-7:30PM at MOSI, 4801 E. Fowler Avenue, Coleman Science Works 3D Theatre.

Information for the April 12 meeting and to view Draft Vision Boards, Workshop PowerPoint. 


Workshop #1 results.

Workshop Comment card-Taking input through June 7,2017.

Workshop #2 June 7, 2017, 11 AM-3 PM, University Mall (SW corner near Macy’s) 2200 E. Fowler Ave. Tampa FL 33617.

WS #2 Recommendations ranking 6-7-17 Form

Gateway_Draft_Concept_Survey_Feedback_Results 6-7-2017

Final Report 

Phase II_Gateway Concept Writeup_FINAL



For more information contact Lisa Silva at silval@plancom.org or 813.273.3774 x329.