Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan Adopted Maps

Icon of a house

Built Environment

Future Land Use

2025 Future Land Use

North Central Detailed

North East Detailed

North West Detailed

South Central Detailed

South East Detailed

South West Detailed

Existing Land Use (2022)

Agriculture and Vacant Lands Map Change (2004)

Public Facilities Map (2004)

Historic & Archeological Resources (2004)

Transfer of Development Rights Sending and Receiving Areas (2004)

Activity Centers (2004)

Redevelopment Candidate Map (2004)

Scenic Corridors Overlay

Urban Service Area and Jurisdictional Utility Service Area

Community Plan


Corridor Preservation

Transit Right of Way Preservation Corridors

Context Classification Network


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Icon of a hand holding a plant

Natural Open Space

Recreation & Open Space
This Section has no associated maps
Coastal Management

Coastal High Hazard Area (2021)

Environmental & Sustainability

Reported Sinkholes

Significant Wildlife Habitat

100 Year Floodplain

Commercially Valuable Minerals


Rivers, Bays, Lakes, Springs & Wetlands


Icon for One Water

One Water

One Water

Existing & Proposed Wells and Wellfields

Wellhead Resource Protection Areas

Areas Susceptible to Groundwater Contamination

Surface Water Protection Areas

Icon of Government Building


Capital Improvements

This Section has no associated maps

Intergovernmental Coordination

This Section has no associated maps

Solid Waste

This Section has no associated maps

Public Schools

This Section has no associated maps



