Balm Wimauma

Residential Planned-2 (RP-2) Land Use Study

Project Overview

The purpose of this study was to provide an analysis of development trends affecting current and future development for Residential Planned-2 (RP-2) designated lands located in Balm and Sun City Center, and with community input, make changes to the requirements of that land use category.

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RP-2 Ordinances

This information was provided to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) for consideration on October 14 during which the BOCC voted unanimously to adopt the RP-2 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Land Development Code Amendment with changes. 

Watch the recording of the October 14 adoption public hearing.

RP-2 Future Land Use Policy Ordinance

RP-2 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Ordinance provides the RP-2 Future Land Use policies approved with changes by the BOCC on 10.14.21. 

RP-2 Land Development Code Ordinance

RP-2 Land Development Code Ordinance provides the RP-2 Land Development Code regulations approved by the BOCC on 10.14.21.

Current Focus

Public Hearings

The adoption hearing was held October 14 2021 at 6:00 PM. All meetings may be viewed on the Hillsborough County YouTube page. Re-watch the BOCC Adoption Hearing below.

Scope of the Study

  • Evaluate Residential Planned-2 Category requirements in the Balm and Sun City area
  • Look at infrastructure needs
  • Increase safe and equitable transportation choices
  • Preserve the environment and open space
  • Create implementable design options

Phase 1

Real Estate Market Analysis

Began Winter 2019

Phase 2

Public Outreach and Land Use Study

Spring 2020 – Summer 2021

Phase 3

Land Use Policy Recommendations

Summer 2021 – Fall 2021


Public Engagement

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Meetings & Materials



September 15, 2021 Community Meeting

A community meeting was held on September 15, 2021 at the Balm Civic Center.

September 15 Agenda

September 15 Meeting Summary

July & August, 2021 Public Hearings

Planning Commission July Public Hearing Video

Board of County Commissioner August Public Hearing Video

June 24, 2021 Open House #3

An Open House was held on June 24, 2021 at Reddick Elementary School to discuss the RP-2 land use study.

Video Recording of June 24 Open House (YouTube)

Agenda & Handouts – June 24 Open House

Presentation Slides

RP-2 Public Outreach Timeline

June 2021 Planning Commission & BOCC Meetings

A briefing was held with the Planning Commission on June 15 and a workshop was held with the Board of County Commissioners on June 17 to discuss progress of the RP-2 land use study.

June 15 Memo

July 17 BOCC Memo and Presentation

April, May, and June 2021 Focus Topic Meetings

Focused topic meetings were held on April 24, May 3,  May 22, and June 8 at the Balm Civic Center. Topics discussed include density, aggregation, supporting infrastructure, and various neighborhood design elements (lot size, open space, buffering/screening, lighting).

April, 2021 Community Meeting

A community-wide meeting was held on April 1, 2021, at the Balm Civic Center.

Meeting Materials

April 1 Agenda

April 1 RP-2 Update and Overview Presentation Slides (PDF)

April 1 RP-2 Update and Overview Presentation Slides (YouTube link with audio)

April 1 RP-2 Activity Packet

February, 2021 Public Hearings

A public hearing was held with the Planning Commission on February 1, 2021, and with the Board of County Commissioners on February 4, 2021. During the February 4 public hearing, the BOCC continued the RP-2 Comprehensive Plan text amendment (HC/CPA 20-11).

The Board also set two public hearings to consider the extension of the moratorium prohibiting new rezonings in the  RP-2 land use categories in the Balm and Sun City Center Community Planning Areas. The resolution considers extending the moratorium to December 31, 2021.  After extensive public comment, the Board expressed this additional time will allow Planning Commission staff the opportunity to continue working with the affected community and expand the public engagement process. 

January, 2021 Lunch and Learn

A virtual public Lunch and Learn was held on January 27, 2021, to provide an update to changes to the proposed RP-2 policies in between the November Open House and the February Public Hearings. 

January 27 Video Recording: Lunch and Learn

November, 2020 Open Houses #2

Two open houses were held in November – a virtual open house was held via Zoom on November 5; an in-person open house was held at Wimauma Elementary School on November 7. A presentation was provided to discuss the proposed RP-2 policy changes. Attendees were given an opportunity to ask questions and submit comments. The input received will inform forthcoming policy recommendations.

November 5, 2020 Video Recording: Open House #2 Presentation 

November 5, 2020 Open House Presentation Slides

August, 2020 Meetings with Public

Planning Commission staff offered public group presentations and one-on-one meetings with anyone who requested to receive more information or explanations of the RP-2 study and proposed policies.

July, 2020 Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Workshop

On Tuesday, July 21  RP-2 project consultant, Kimley-Horn, provided the BOCC with an overview of the land use study and proposed recommendations to date. Commissioners had an opportunity to publicly discuss the proposed changes and pose questions and comments to the RP-2 project team. The workshop occurred immediately following the 9:00 am Land Use meeting.

July 21, 2020 Video Recording: BOCC Workshop (workshop begins at 1:10:50)

June, 2020 Virtual Work Session

This virtual work session was held on June 18. A presentation was provided to discuss the proposed RP-2 policy changes at this stage. Attendees were given an opportunity to ask questions or submit comments at the end of the presentation. The input received will inform forthcoming policy recommendations.

June 18, 2020 Video Recording: Virtual Work Session 

Virtual Work Session Q&A Transcript 06.18.20

Transcripción de la presentación 06.18.20

June, 2020 Planning Commission (PC) Workshop

On June 15, project consultant, Kimley-Horn, provided the PC with an overview of the land use study and proposed recommendations to date. Commissioners had an opportunity to publicly discuss the proposed changes and pose questions and comments to the RP-2 project team.

May, 2020 Planning Commission Briefing

May 11, 2020 Video Recording: Planning Commission Briefing on the RP-2 Land Use Study 

April, 2020 Virtual Workshop

Due to direction from health officials regarding public gatherings, the virtual workshop was held in place of the previously scheduled in-person April 7 meeting. The virtual workshop was composed of a presentation and feedback survey. The workshop provided an overview of community feedback received to date with preliminary policy recommendations and an opportunity for public comment.

April 7, 2020 Video Recording: Virtual RP-2 Workshop 

March, 2020 Open House #1

This Open House was conducted on March 11 to present findings from the existing conditions/inventory analysis and to receive community input about a vision for future development trends and community form. If you were unable to attend the meeting, the presentation slides are now available in the Documents section at the bottom of this page.

May 11, 2020 Open House #1 Presentation Slides

Open House #1 Summary 03.19.20


Q: Why was this study conducted?

A: This study was requested by the Board of County Commissioners in association with the moratorium on rezoning applications for properties with a Future Land Use designation of Residential Planned – 2 (RP-2). 

Q: What is the geographic boundary of this study?

A: This study examined properties with a Future Land Use designation of Residential Planned – 2 (RP-2) located outside of the adopted Urban Service Area within the Community Plan boundaries of Balm and Sun City Center.

Q: What was produced by this study?

A: This study resulted in policy recommendations for the Future Land Use category of Residential Planned – 2 (RP-2). These recommendations were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration and resulted in amendments to the Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan and/or Land Development Code.

Q: When was this study concluded?

A: The final adoption public hearing occurred on October 14, 2021, thus concluding the study. The end of the moratorium is December 31, 2021.

Q: Is the County interested in buying my property?

A: No. This study does not seek to purchase private property nor is this a study for the use of eminent domain.

Future Steps

  • The moratorium will conclude December 31, 2021


Phase 3

The study has concluded.


Project Plans & Studies

Project Flyer

The WVR-2 and RP-2 Future Land Use Market Study

Draft Documents

Proposed RP-2 Future Land Use Policies 8.16.21 (Transmittal)

Proposed RP-2 Land Development Code Regulations 7.27.21

Proposed RP-2 Land Development Code Regulations 7.9.21

Proposed RP-2 Land Development Code Regulations 7.9.21

Explanation of Changes to the RP-2 Future Land Use Policies 6.21.21

Proposed RP-2 Future Land Use Policies 6.21.21

Proposed RP-2 Land Development Code Regulations 6.21.21

Explanation of Changes 1.21.21

Proposed RP-2 Future Land Use Policies Draft 1.20.21

Supporting Documents

Hillsborough County Land Development Code Amendment 21-0288 Planning Commission Agenda Packet

LDC 21-0288 Revised Attachment B

HC/CPA 20-11 Planning Commission Agenda Packet

HC/CPA 20-11 Revised Attachment B

RP-2 1st Open House Invite English & Spanish


RP-2 Project Area Map

RP-2 Southshore 2017 Existing Level Of Service

RP-2 Southshore 2045 Cost Feasible Plan

RP-2 Southshore Crash Data

RP-2 Southshore Trails

RP-2 Pre-Recession Housing Permits

RP-2 Recession Housing Permits

RP-2 Post-Recession Housing Permits

RP-2 Aerial Sun City Center FLU Study

RP-2 Aerial Balm FLU Study

RP-2 Aerial North of Balm FLU Study

Headshot of Jay Collins


Jay Collins, Planning Commission

T: 813-582-7335




