SouthShore Transit Study Reevaluation (2018)

In 2014, the MPO conducted the SouthShore Transit Circulator Study that developed transit priorities for the SouthShore area. Since then, HART has undergone an overhaul of their transit system known as Mission MAX, which decreased service in the SouthShore area. HART has requested that the MPO reevaluate the previous study and update based on the needs of the community, culminating in updated costs and a phased implementation plan. The revaluation began in May 2018. Check back for updates.

Final Report

SouthShore Transit Study Reevaluation Final Report (Dec. 2018)

Meetings and Presentations

Meeting 1 Information Flyer (5/31/2018)

Meeting 1 Presentation (5/31/2018)

Meeting 2 Agenda (6/28/2018)

Meeting 2 Presentation (6/28/2018)

Meeting 3 Information Flyer (9/13/2018)

Meeting 3 Presentation (9/13/2018)

Meeting 4_Information Flyer (11/15/2018)


For more information, please contact Sarah McKinley at 813-273-3774 ext. 382 or