Freight Logistics Zone (FLZ) Strategic Plan (2016/2017)

slider-goods-movementThe MPO developed a Freight Logistics Zone Strategic Plan (Plan) in compliance with requirements outlined in Chapter 2015-106, Section 311.103, Florida Statutes in partnership with Polk TPO.  The intent of the legislation is to assist the state in the prioritization of potential funding for investments within designated Freight Logistics Zones (FLZs). The Strategic Plan,  developed as part of a collaborative process, identified the FLZ to include freight facilities and logistics clusters within Hillsborough and Polk counties. The FLZ consists of freight facilities and infrastructure and an interconnected network of logistics-related businesses with ties to the Winter Haven Intermodal Logistics Center (ILC), Port Tampa Bay, and CSX Intermodal facility in east Tampa.

The planning team collected relevant freight related data; convened a working group and led meetings; drafted the boundaries of a Freight Logistics Zone or Zones (FLZ); and prepared a strategic plan document consistent with the legislative requirements for FLZ. The working group members included,  representatives of the Hillsborough County MPO, Polk TPO, FDOT Districts Seven and One, Tampa International Airport, Port Tampa Bay, and the cities of Winter Haven, Tampa, Lakeland and Plant City and others.

While the FLZ does not represent a land use overlay or future land use designation in the local comprehensive plans, county and municipal staff were consulted throughout the FLZ development process to ensure consistency with their respective plans.  The Polk Transportation Planning Organization at its regular meeting convened on August 11, 2016, executed a resolution endorsing the FLZ.  The Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission issued a finding of consistency for the FLZ Strategic Plan, as it pertains to the Hillsborough County and City of Tampa Comprehensive Plans on September 12, 2016 and recommended adoption of the Freight Logistics Zone by Hillsborough and Polk Counties.  The Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization, at its regular meeting on October 4, 2016, approved the FLZ Strategic Plan and encouraged Hillsborough County and Polk County to designate the FLZ.  The Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners adopted the Strategic Plan and designated the Freight Logistics Zone on October 4, 2017.  The Polk County Board of County Commissioners adopted the Strategic Plan and designated the Freight Logistics Zone on October 17, 2017.


Latest draft:

For Full (pdf) download Hills+Polk Freight Logistics Zone Strategic Plan-final 10-17 

Hillsborough+PolK Strategic Plan Executive Summary (11×17-2 page)

In August the Polk TPO approved a resolution support actions to adopt the FLZ

Polk County TPO FLZ 2016-09 Executed Resolution (8-11-2016 )

Hillsborough Consistency Finding:

The FLZ will go for action as Item 10 during the regular meeting of the Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission on September 12, 2016 at 3PM on the 18th floor of county center.

Proposed 2016 presentation schedule:

  • Sept 14 CAC 9AM -18th floor county center
  • Sept 19 TAC 1:30 PM-18th floor county center
  • Oct 4 MPO board-26th floor county center

All FLZ Summits were held from 1:30 – 3:30 PM at Plant City Hall Boardroom, 302 W. Reynolds Street, Plant City, FL  33564-9003.



Summit #1 February 19, 2016 materials:


FLZ_glossary of terms

FLZ Draft Areas Of Interest Map

Summit #1 PowerPoint

.FLZ_Summit 1 Mtg  Summary

Summit #2 April 7, 2016 materials:


FMTP, SIS, and LRTP Projects

FLZ Areas Of Interest-draft

Summit #3 May 12, 2016 materials:

FLZ Summit 2 Mtg Summary

FLZ_Summit 3_051216 PowerPoint

Strategic Plan_Draft Exec Summary

FLZ_Summit 3_Sign in Sheet



Older previous drafts:

Hillsborough+Polk Freight Logistics Zone Strategic Plan (draft 6-20-16)

For more information contact Lisa Silva at or 813.273.3774 x329