Florida Avenue & Tampa Street/Highland Avenue Corridor Study

slider-Violet-during-peak-florida-aveAt the City of Tampa’s request and working closely with FDOT, the MPO kicked off a study in February 2015 to evaluate various design options for the one way pair of Florida Avenue and Tampa/Highland Street. The study area is roughly from I-275 north to Hillsborough Avenue.

The evaluation of the alternatives included how each provides safe access between Downtown and surrounding neighborhoods for transit users, walkers and cyclists; how the corridors would function as a “main street” and commercial district; if the alternatives allow them to continue to function as a regional transportation corridor; and how well the configurations contribute to the City’s public realm.

A project advisory group of local and state representatives developed criteria used to compare the benefits of each alternative to the others. After reviewing the existing conditions on the two corridors, a number of different road configurations were identified for evaluation. The resulting analysis shows how each option performs under the criteria.

Project Advisory Group Meeting 1 – Alternatives Identification

Project Advisory Group Meeting 2 – Existing Conditions

Project Advisory Group Meeting 3 – Alternatives Identification

Project Advisory Group Meeting 4 – Alternatives Evaluation

Technical Memo #1 – Evaluation Criteria

Technical Memo #2 – Existing Conditions

At the August 2016 MPO meeting, the MPO Board approved the study and asked FDOT to move forward with a PD&E on the lane-reduction alternative.

Florida Tampa Highland Summary Report

Technical Appendix- Detailed Alternatives Evaluation

Civic groups like Tampa Heights Civic Association, Old Seminole Heights Neighborhood Association, the Business Guild of Seminole Heights, and the Downtown Partnership Transportation Committee made room for this topic on their meeting agendas.

View what was presented:

And see a compilation of what we heard back from the public:

Public Participation Survey Results Summary


For more information contact Gena Torres at 813.273.3774 x357 or torresg@plancom.org.



