Plant City – North Alexander Street Land Use and Market Study

Alexander Street Extension – Land Use & Marketing Study

Completed in 2014, the Alexander Street “extension” located within the northeastern quadrant of Plant City connects the existing roadway terminus at Interstate-4 and traverses north to Paul Buchman Highway. Properties along this two-mile new roadway have been studied in relation to the Northeast Plant City Area Master Plan and the Imagine 2040: Plant City Comprehensive Plan.  This study sought to ascertain if the assumptions in these plans are still valid and the best use of the adjacent land in relation to this new roadway facility and the population projections for Plant City.

This study was conducted:

  • To improve the coordination of an envisioned future land use pattern between Hillsborough County, the Florida Department of Transportation and Plant City.
  • To assess potential land uses for parcels within the study area once they voluntarily annex and receive municipal (i.e. potable water and wastewater) services from Plant City.
  • To provide a demographic analysis, economic profile and market study of the lands along Alexander Street, north of Interstate-4.
  • To identify activity nodes that can become future community/neighborhood focal points for Plant City and eastern Hillsborough County.
  • To evaluate the related principles, objectives and policies for this area in the Northeast Plant City Area Master Plan and Imagine 2040: Plant City Comprehensive Plan.
  • To access and if appropriate recommend additional policy direction from the 2014 – Dover Kohl Study for “Strip Commercial and Mixed-Use Development in Hillsborough County”.

The study was broken into four major sections, the first section included, an Existing Conditions Assessment covering topics such as land use, environmental resources and constraints, the transportation network, and the provision of other public facilities within the study area, secondly, a review of policy direction provided by adopted plansThis was followed by an in-depth Land Use Marketing Report conducted for the study area utilizing the existing conditions to determine the carrying capacity of residential and employment generating land uses in the area now and in the future under various land use scenarios.  Lastly, the study was concluded by providing recommendations and proposing next steps to the Plant City Commission on September 10, 2018.  Recommendations include a modest increase to both density and intensity of projected land uses in the area when compared to the Northeast Plant City Area Master Plan and to continue a dialogue with those who live in the area as well as those government entities who now or in the future will serve the area.  Please refer to the final report and presentation below for more information in regards to recommendations and next steps.

Presentation on North Alexander Street Land Use and Market Study August 2018 

North Alexander Street Land Use and Market Study Final Report September 2018

Preferred North Alexander Street Study Area Northeast Plant City Area Master Plan Map

May 23 Alexander Street Public Open House Meeting Flyer

North_Alexander_Street_Study_Area_Aerial Map

North_Alexander_Street_Study_Area_Existing Land Use Map

North_Alexander_Street_Study_Area_Future Land Use Map

North_Alexander_Street_Study_Area_Northeast Plant City Area Master Plan Map

North Alexander Street Market Study, March 2018 prepared by WTL+a


For further information, to make a comment or ask a question please contact Jay Collins at or  813-273-3774 ext. 335.