West Park Village main entrance

Commercial-Locational Criteria Study

Project Overview

Commercial Locational Criteria Study banner

The purpose of this study is to provide an analysis of the current Commercial-Locational Criteria and analyze best practices resulting in updated policy for the Unincorporated Hillsborough Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element. This study will update the frameworks for allowing non-residential development in residential land use categories and balance the changing demands for retail and non-residential uses in residential areas based upon the continued need to prevent strip commercial along major roadways.

2023 Study Update:

Based on direction from the Board of County Commissioners the study will be part of the upcoming Future Land Use Section Update for the Unincorporated Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan.

Public Hearing Documents

Jan. 26th Board of County Commissioners Presentation

 Planning Commission December 12th Presentation

CLC Intersection Comparison Map

Public Meetings

Community Meeting #6

Community Meeting #6

The sixth Community Meeting was held on Tuesday, October 18 at 6 pm.

Answers to citizen comments at the fifth Community Meeting can be found under the comment matrix.

Community Meeting #6 Summary

Community Meeting #6 Presentation

Community Meeting #6 Recording

Revisions from Draft #5 to Draft # 6

Draft #6 Commercial-Locational Criteria

Community Meeting #5 Comment Matrix

Community Meeting #6 Comment Matrix


Community Meeting #5

A fifth Hybrid Community Meeting was held on Tuesday, August 30. The meeting recording and summary will be available soon.

Answers to citizen comments at the fifth Community Meeting can be found under the comment matrix.

Community Meeting #5 Comment Matrix

Community Meeting #5 Summary

Community Meeting #5 Presentation

Community Meeting #5 Recording

Community Meeting #4

A fourth Virtual Community Meeting was held on Thursday, July 14. The meeting presentation, recording, and summary are available. 

Community Meeting #4 Summary

Community Meeting #4 Presentation

Community Meeting #4 Recording*

*Recording password: CLC_CommMeeting#4

Community Meeting #3

The third Virtual Community Meeting was held on Thursday, June 2. The meeting presentation, summary and recording are available. 

Community Meeting #3 Summary

Community Meeting #3 Presentation

Community Meeting #3 Recording

Community Meeting #2

The second Community Meeting occurred on January 20th at 5:30 pm.  This was a hybrid meeting with the in-person component at the Saunders Library conference room (Ada T. Payne Community Room).  Click here to view the recording.

Community Meeting #2 Summary

Community Meeting #2 Recording

Community Meeting #2 Presentation

Community Meeting #1

The first Community Meeting occurred on November 1st at 6 pm. A recording of the virtual workshop is available. Use the password HillsboroughCLC and view the recording.

Community Meeting #1 Summary

Community Meeting #1 Recording*

*password HillsboroughCLC

Community Meeting #1 Presentation

Scope of the Study

  • Evaluate the current structure of the Commercial-Locational Criteria (CLC) of the Future Land Use Element and the Livable Communities Element in the Unincorporated Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan
  • Obtain meaningful input from community stakeholders
  • Review best practices for commercial development in residential areas
  • Recommend changes to the Commercial-Locational Criteria and any associated Comprehensive Plan policies

Phase 1

Study Kickoff

Began Fall 2021

Phase 2

Public Outreach

Fall 2021 – Fall 2022


Phase 3

Comprehensive Plan Policy Recommendations

Jan. 26th Board of County Commissioners Presentation

Planning Commission December 12th Presentation

Public Engagement

Your perspective will greatly benefit the potential success of the Commercial-Locational Criteria project. Your input is important to the success of this study, please check out the opportunities below.

The sixth hybrid Community Meeting was held on Tuesday, October 18th at 6:00 pm. View the recording.

The fifth hybrid Community Meeting was held on Tuesday, August 30th at 6:00 pm. View the recording.

All of the meeting notes, recordings, and presentations can be found in the Past Presentations & Events section at the bottom of the page.

A fourth Virtual Community Meeting was held on Thursday, July 14. Community Meeting #4 Recording. Use the password CLC_CommMeeting#4 and view the recording.

The third Community Meeting was held on June 2nd at 6:00 pm.            This was a virtual meeting. View the recording.

The second Community Meeting occurred on January 20th at 5:30 pm.  This was a hybrid meeting with the in-person component at the Saunders Library conference room (Ada T. Payne Community Room).  Click here to view the recording.

A Planning Commission Briefing occurred on November 4th at 1 pm. View the recording.

The first Community Meeting occurred on November 1st at 6 pm. A recording of the virtual workshop is available. Use the password HillsboroughCLC and view the recording.

Stakeholder interviews concluded in October. We requested local stakeholders to attend a meeting to help us identify issues and opportunities related to the location of neighborhood-serving commercial uses in areas designated for residential use on the unincorporated Hillsborough County’s Future Land Use Map. 

Stay Connected

Sign up to receive email updates on this project.

Sign me up!

Social Pinpoint

This website is the study’s official online hub for community input. The survey and posting on the community idea wall has closed. However, the community wall comments are available for your review. 

Please use the following link to the project web page for more information: https://smeinc.mysocialpinpoint.com/hillsborough_clc 



Draft Language

Planning Commission staff have hired a consultant, S&ME, to provide recommendations in updating the existing outdated language of the Commercial-Locational Criteria policies. A series of stakeholder interviews, virtual community meetings, an online survey, interactive project website, and Commissioner interviews have been used to gather input. A total of five drafts will be produced based on community, Commissioner, and staff input before the final language is adopted. All drafts will be listed on this project website.

Draft #1 Commercial-Locational Criteria

Draft #2 Commercial-Locational Criteria

Draft #3 Commercial-Locational Criteria

Draft #4 Commercial-Locational Criteria

Revised NMU-6 Future Land Use Category

Draft #4 Proposed Changes to Existing Language

Draft #5 Commercial-Locational Criteria 

Draft #6 Commercial-Locational Criteria

Revisions from Draft #5 to Draft # 6

Adopted Language to Draft #6 Redline Version

Community Meeting #5 Comment Matrix

Community Meeting #6 Comment Matrix

Case Study Renderings


Q: Why is this study being conducted?

A: This study will update the existing outdated language of the Commercial-Locational Criteria policies to reflect the changed current commercial retail environment. The study also provides opportunities to ensure a more successful transition of intensity along intersections and corridors for residential and non-residential uses.

Q: What are the geographic boundaries of this study?

A: This study will encompass the Unincorporated portion of Hillsborough County.

Q: What will be produced by this study?

A: This study will result in policy recommendations for the Future Land Use Element of the Future of Hillsborough: Comprehensive Plan for Unincorporated Hillsborough County. These recommendations will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration and potentially result in amendments to the Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan. Any final policy changes are at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners.

Q: When will this study be concluded?

A: The study has a contract end date of March 2023. Based on direction from the Board of County Commissioners the study will be part of the upcoming Future Land Use Section Update for the Unincorporated Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan.

Q: How can I stay involved?

A: Get updates on this project by signing up for email updates. View the draft policy language on this website. Staff’s contact information is below to receive your valuable input. 


Based on direction from the Board of County Commissioners the study will be part of the upcoming Future Land Use Section Update for the Unincorporated Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan.


Project Plans & Studies

Project Scope

Draft #1 Commercial-Locational Criteria

Draft #2 Commercial-Locational Criteria

Draft #3 Commercial-Locational Criteria

Draft #4 Commercial-Locational Criteria

Revised NMU-6 Future Land Use Category

Draft #4 Proposed Changes to Existing Language

Draft #5 Commercial-Locational Criteria

Draft #6 Commercial-Locational Criteria

Revisions from Draft #5 to Draft # 6

Adopted Language to Draft #6 Redline Version

Community Meeting #5 Comment Matrix

Community Meeting #6 Comment Matrix

Supporting Documents

Document Review

Literature Review

Public Input Summary (March, 2022)

Case Study Renderings

CLC Intersection Comparison Map

Past Presentations & Events

Jan. 26th Board of County Commissioners Presentation

Planning Commission December 12th Presentation

Community Meeting #6 Summary

Community Meeting #6 Recording

Community Meeting #6 Presentation

Community Meeting #5 Summary

Community Meeting #5 Presentation

Community Meeting #5 Recording

Community Meeting #4 Summary

Community Meeting #4 Recording*

*Recording password: CLC_CommMeeting#4

Community Meeting #4 Presentation

Community Meeting #3 Summary

Community Meeting #3 Recording

Community Meeting #3 Presentation

Board of County Commissioners May Briefing PowerPoint

Community Meeting #2 Summary

Community Meeting #2 Recording

Community Meeting #2 Presentation

Planning Commission Briefing Recording

Community Meeting #1 Summary

Community Meeting #1 Recording*

*password HillsboroughCLC

Community Meeting #1 Presentation

Stakeholder Interview Presentation 

Stakeholder Interview #1 Meeting Summary

Stakeholder Interview #2 Meeting Summary

Stakeholder Interview #3 Meeting Summary


Andrea Papandrew, Planning Commission

T: 813-665-1331


Headshot of Andrea Papandrew


Melissa Lienhard, Planning Commission

T: 813-547-4364





