Workshop #2 – Imagine 2040 Working Group

IMG_0364 At the April 16, 2013 working group meeting, participants worked together   in small groups to identify what was most important to them for the future of Hillsborough County.  The groups also discussed  the pros and cons of various growth strategies on future alternatives for our region. Three alternative futures were considered: 1- outward growth similar to recent decades, 2-infill and redevelopment focused around transit, and 3- new job centers on major corridors

Lines drawn on maps reflected how each growth strategy will affect where people will live, work, shop and play.  Ideas generated by the Imagine 2040 Working Group will be incorporated into three future alternatives that will ultimately be presented to all of the businesses and residents in Hillsborough County later this year.

Click here for the Powerpoint presented to the group and the IMG_0419participant handouts.

Imagine 2040 Working group 2 Presentation

Participant handouts workshop 2