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Smart Cities Mobility Plan will improve transportation planning with technology

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August 2021 – After a long delay, the Smart Cities Mobility Plan is back in production. Staff recently hosted a webinar to explain the concept of making a city smarter and some of the benefits & limitations associated with emergent technology deployments. Click this link to view the webinar: Info BBQ – Smart Cities July 22 2021.

September 2020 – The TPO’s first Smart Cities Mobility Plan is currently underway. The forthcoming plan is a long awaited update to the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Master Plan, which was last updated in 2013. Since that time, much has changed in the field of transportation planning, particularly with respect to technologies.

Smart Cities technologies include communications, sensors & detection equipment, smart vehicles, and a range of other sophisticated devices. When properly located & deployed, these technologies can improve safety on the road & trails network and reduce congestion without the hefty price tag of more traditional improvements.

The Smart Cities Mobility Plan will identify and classify mature and emergent technologies, such as real-time adjustment of traffic signals and detour information, speeding up buses, information sharing with Waze, and many other opportunities. We will be reaching out to the public to collect input about the usefulness of each technology and will be asking questions related to privacy, confidentiality, and fairness.

Smart Cities Technology Factsheets: This is a simple resource to learn about how technologies have been deployed to resolve problems facing communities.

Smart Cities Prioritization Tool: This tool will allow planners to compare the benefits & risks of both traditional and non-traditional transportation projects.

To learn more about this project, please contact Johnny Wong, PhD, at

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