Economic Potential Evaluation of the Comprehensive Plan

During the 2011 public input process to update the Future of the Hillsborough Comprehensive Plan, Economic Development was identified as a major issue facing Hillsborough County. The intent of this study is to inform and provide perspectives on ways comprehensive policies can enhance opportunities for economic growth and development. Model economic elements were reviewed and potentially can provide guidance in developing an Economic Development strategy to be included in the Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan either as a standalone element or incorporating findings into the existing elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Comprehensive Plan policies can provide a formal framework for economic development initiatives and programs. The goals of an economic development strategy include maintaining high quality life, protection of the natural environment, and provision of community amenities. These topics factor into creating economic competitiveness by attracting investment and talent.

Comprehensive Plan Economic Potential Evaluation PowerPoint Presentation

Economic Potential Evaluation – Summary Matrix

Economic Potential Case Study #1 (Charlotte)

Economic Potential Case Study #2 (Austin)

Economic Potential Case Study #3 (Jacksonville)

Economic Potential Municipal Comprehensive Plan Reviews

Economic Potential Policy Strategy




