Annual Operating Report

The Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) submits an Annual Operating Report of operational statistics to the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD) for the previous state fiscal year, every year, by September 15th. These operational statistics include system type, trip information, vehicle information, employee information, revenues, and expenses for both the CTC and any coordinating contractors.

This information is used by the CTD to compile the AOR Performance Report, which provides an overview of the coordinated system and a summary of performance trends statewide.


2021-2022 FY Annual Operating Report 



2020-2021 FY Sunshine Line Annual Operating Report 

2019-2020 FY Sunshine Line Annual Operating Report 

2018-2019 FY Sunshine Line Annual Operating Report 

2017-2018 FY Sunshine Line Annual Operating Report

2016-2017 FY Sunshine Line Annual Operating Report

2015-2016 FY Sunshine Line Annual Operating Report