car stopped on road with smashed front end

Annual update of Safety Performance Targets

car stopped on road with smashed front end

February 2022 – Setting traffic safety performance targets is one way the TPO can help achieve Hillsborough County’s long-term goal of zero traffic deaths. That’s why the annual update of the TPO’s Safety Performance Targets is such a critical project. Based on how much government invests in safety, these targets represent an annual reduction in Hillsborough County’s five-year average number of traffic deaths and serious injuries.

For 2022, the report projects the average number of traffic deaths and serious injuries to decrease by .93%, representing an achievable annual reduction given existing funding. These projections are based on the Vision Zero investment program in the 2045 Long Range Plan and nationally accepted crash reduction estimates. Placing a high priority on safety, the TPO Board approved the updated targets at its February 2022 meeting.

In its focus on safety, the TPO also manages the Transportation Improvement Program, which includes funded projects that enhance the safety of high-injury roads. Upon implementation, these projects will improve fatality rates in future years. But as the Safety Performance Targets indicate, the rate of progress is limited by funding availability and by the level of focus on high-injury locations.

TPO staff is currently seeking feedback from its advisory committees on near-term strategies to make progress more quickly and take advantage of new funding opportunities. To view the 2022 Safety Performance Targets, visit For more information, contact Johnny Wong at or via phone at 813-699-7370.

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