Biking along Kennedy Plaza

Live Grow Thrive 2045: Tampa Comprehensive Plan Update

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Video produced by the City of Tampa

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By 2045, Tampa will see over 108,000 more residents, 77,000 new homes, and 258,000 new jobs within the City limits. Together, we can turn the challenges that come with growth into opportunities for a thriving future. It’s time to update the City of Tampa’s Comprehensive Plan through 2045. As part of the update, the community’s input lays the foundation for a vision of Tampa’s future.

The Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission, in coordination with the City Planning Department, is overseeing a multi-phased, multi-year plan update that will lead to in-depth revisions to the Tampa Comprehensive Plan through the 2045 horizon year.

View Tampa’s current 2040 Comprehensive Plan.

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Public Meetings

Update Schedule

The additional Sections of the Comprehensive Plan will be added to the schedule as they come forward for updates. 

Vision Public Engagement and City Council Approval

Completed July 2022

One Water: Comprehensive Planning for Water Resources Section Update

Completed December 2022

Future Land Use Assessment Phase 1


Environmental & Sustainability

Spring 2023

Mobility Section Update

Spring 2023

Vision Statement and Themes

Through the Comprehensive Plan Vision Survey, open from February to June 2022, the public shared what they felt were the most important areas for the plan to address. After analyzing the community’s input, these vision ideas were redefined into an overarching Vision Statement and Vision Themes.

Adopted by Tampa City Council at their July 28, 2022 meeting, the Vision will serve to provide a framework for each Section of the Tampa Comprehensive Plan.  

Survey responses


Tampa is an inclusive, sustainable, and resilient city; where the natural environment, historic character, and a diversity of cultures enable a vibrant setting for all. 

Couple holding hands while ice skating

All residents have equitable access to a high quality of life and opportunity, regardless of background.

Ybor Square

The community and its neighborhoods have unique identities that reflect the rich history and cultural diversity of Tampa.

Neighborhoods are complete with a variety of housing types, services, and jobs within a walkable environment.

Dam next to river and trees

The natural environment, water resources, clean air, and open space are valued and protected. 

Tampa Street Car

Transportation is safe, accessible, connected, and convenient.

Resiliency enables the community to recover from and mitigate the effects of climate change, extreme weather events, and other hazards.

Road with buildings alongside leading into Tampa

Land and public resources are used efficiently, and infrastructure is reliable and connected.

Housing options are available for all income levels and households.

A diverse economy provides opportunities for everyone.

Documents & Presentations

Resolution by the City of Tampa, Florida to approve an updated City Vision Plan for 2045 – Resolution No. 2022-636

City of Tampa 2045 Comprehensive Plan Vision Survey Results (all responses)

August 21, 2022 Presentation at Café con Tampa (Video Recording)

May 4, 2022 Virtual Public Meeting (Video Recording)

May 4, 2022 PowerPoint Presentation

Kids participating in beautification project at Tampa Heights Junior Civic Association

Related Plans & Studies

City of Tampa – Planning for Tampa’s Tomorrow

Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Study

Industrial Lands Study

Coastal Area Action Plan

Development in the Coastal High Hazard Area: Best Practices

Plan Hillsborough Nondiscrimination and Equity Plan

2045 Long Range Transportation Plan | Plan Hillsborough

Tampa M.O.V.E.S.

2021 Community Values Survey | City of Tampa

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