Wimauma Village Plan

Planning Commission Staff Contacts:

Jay Collins, Executive Planner • Special Area Studies Manager

E collinsj@plancom.org T 813.582.7335 

Para preguntas en español sobre Plan Comunitario de Wimauma, comuníquese con: 

Sofia Garantiva, Senior Planner • Special Area Studies 

E garantivas@plancom.org T 813.582.7320 

To locate the complete adopted text of the community plan go to the Livable Communities Element and use the Table of Contents to go to the Wimauma Village Plan.

View the Sociocultural Data Report (SDR) for Wimauma Village. The SDR contains demographic information and trends for Wimauma Village from 1990 to 2015, a summary of existing land use within the community, and a list of facilities. A demographic profile for Hillsborough County is also available at the end of the document.

About the Plan
Plan Status
About the Plan

The Wimauma Village Plan focuses on health, equity, resilience,
 and sustainability. The community-wide approach celebrates Wimauma’s agricultural heritage, rural natural resources, local businesses, cultural legacy, and small-town character.  As Wimauma grows, the community envisions a self-sustaining community which is safe and welcoming to residents and businesses with access to improved well-being, housing, and opportunity.

The Plan consists of nine (9) goals and strategies that are generally intended to enhance community character, promote the development of a town center, promote economic development, establish design standards, protect and enhance the environment, enhance the safety of the community, improve the transportation system, and develop trail and sidewalk connectivity. 

The Plan boundary is generally west of U.S. Highway 301, north of the Manatee County line, east of the Little Manatee River and Balm Wimauma Road, and south of County Road 672. Wimauma also lies within the “SouthShore Areawide Systems Plan” area. 

Goals and Strategies

While the goals below appear in a ranked priority it is important to state that each goal is integral to the success of the Community Plan.

  1. Infrastructure and Public Realm
  2. Education
  3. Wimauma Downtown Plan and Development
  4. Business and Economic Development
  5. Affordable Housing and Neighborhoods
  6. Multi-modal Transportation and Connectivity
  7. Parks, Recreation, and Conservation
  8. Health, Wellness, and Safety
  9. Wimauma Village Residential-2 (WVR-2)

Plan Status

This plan was initially adopted in 2007 and most recently updated in 2021.

The 2021 Wimauma Village Residential and Community Plan Update builds off of and prioritizes the goals and achieves two of the previously identified goals from the original 2007 Plan. These include the creation of Land Development Code (LDC) regulations for the Wimauma Village Residential-2 (WVR-2) future land use and the Wimauma Downtown Overlay.

If you would like further information, please contact the Planning Commission.


CPA-07-03 Effective date: November 10, 2007

CPA-20-12 and CPA-20-13 Effective Date: December 27, 2021




Wimauma Community Plan (Non-adopted)

Documents and meeting files for the 2021 Wimauma Village Residential (WVR-2) and Community Plan Update can be found on the associated project page.

Request for further information should be directed to staff.


To view the adopted boundary for the Wimauma Village Plan and Wimauma Downtown Overlay please click on the links below:

Wimauma Community Plan Area

Wimauma Downtown Overlay


There are no current graphics for this plan.




