construction workers outside residential building

We need your feedback on housing in Hillsborough County

construction workers outside residential buildingMay 2022 – Housing is a universal and fundamental human need. That’s why it plays such an important part in the overall economic, health, and social success of a community. Input from the community is invaluable to the planning process for this topic, so please fill out a short survey and consider grabbing your lunch and joining us for the Virtual Housing Section Lunch N’ Learn on Friday, June 3 from noon–1 pm to learn more and share your thoughts. The housing survey will be open until June 15.

The Housing Section of the Unincorporated Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan will be updated in an ongoing process that will reflect feedback from the survey, workshops with the public and public officials, and questions submitted via the Planning Commission website. Please share your thoughts and help guide the update to the Housing Section by visiting the project page.

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