Walk Bike Plan extends to New Tampa & Green ARTery

Walk_Bike_Path_TampaPhase III of Tampa’s Walk Bike Plan was approved by the MPO on October 1, 2013. This phase has two major objectives. The first objective is to complete a city-wide grid by identifying sidewalk and bikeway connections in the New Tampa area.  Intended for experienced commuters, this includes enhanced road crossings, marked lanes, and side paths.  Also included are potential trail connections to New Tampa Park, Tampa Palms, the Bypass Canal and the MetroRapid station at Hidden River.

The second objective is to work with community organizations, and the Tampa’s Transportation and Planning Divisions to refine the Green ARTery “Perimeter Trail” concept.  The trail is a loop through central Tampa designed for recreational and novice users using linear parks, paths and neighborhood greenways. It takes advantage of and provides access to central Tampa’s parks, including the Hillsborough River. See the accompanying article for more information on grass-roots planning for the Green ARTery.

Phase III project recommendations are consistent with Phases I and II, are developed to minimize right-of-way impacts, and avoid or minimize the (re)construction of roadway curb and drainage structures. The report provides a detailed description of the proposed Phase III projects.

For more information on Tampa Walk Bike III view the project page or contact Michele Ogilvie at 813-273-3774 x317 or ogilviem@plancom.org.



