HART bus rider in wheelchair using ramp to enter bus

Updated transportation plan addresses needs of disadvantaged riders

HART bus rider in wheelchair using ramp to enter busDecember 2021 – The Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged approved Hillsborough’s new Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP), which continues our local commitment to transportation services for persons with disabilities, older adults, and individuals with lower incomes. Updated annually, this state-required plan provides a needs assessment of local program services, socio-economic data on the transportation disadvantaged community, goals and strategies, quality assurance standards, service rates, and operational information. This year’s update also includes a look at shared mobility services which have emerged, and the opportunities and limitations that come with them. The Hillsborough TPO‘s Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Board and the Hillsborough County Sunshine Line developed the plan.

Major changes as part of this TDSP include:

Public involvement and outreach to social service providers

  1. Updated demographic maps and socio-economic data from the 2019 Census
  2. Updated list of transportation providers and discussion of shared mobility
  3. Updated needs assessment and barriers to coordination
  4. Updated goals, objectives, and strategies
  5. Updated trip priorities

The view the updated TDSP, visit planhillsborough.org/transportation-disadvantaged-service-plan/. For questions about the plan, please contact Joshua Barber, AICP at 813-576-2313 or barberj@plancom.org.

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