TPO board members meeting

TPO welcomes new board members and officers

TPO board members meetingJanuary 2023 – Two newly elected Hillsborough County Commissioners joined the TPO:  Commissioner Michael Owen and Commissioner Joshua Wostal. Both won seats on the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners in November 2022 and subsequently chose to serve on the TPO Board. Commissioner Owen represents District 4 which includes south and east portions of the county while Commissioner Wostal represents areas countywide. The two commissioners will serve on the Policy Committee as well.

Hemant Saria has also joined the board. A native of Nepal, Mr. Saria works as a First Officer for United Airlines and has a bachelor’s degree in Aeronautics from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Planning Commission Chair Nigel Joseph appointed Mr. Saria to represent the Planning Commission on the board.

In December, the Board also voted in its new officers. Commissioner Gwen Myers now serves as chair and Temple Terrace Mayor Andrew Ross serves as vice chair. Commissioner Myers will continue to serve as chair of the Transportation Disadvantaged Coordination Board (TDCB). Mayor Ross will also serve on the Policy Committee.

The new board seats and assignments come as TPO staff and board members bid farewell to Commissioners Kimberly Overman and Mariella Smith, and Planning Commissioner Cody Powell. TPO Executive Director Beth Alden recognized the outgoing board members for their service at the January board meeting.

“We’re pleased to present certificates in recognition of their commitment and dedication to improving transportation to our community,” Ms. Alden said.

She also recognized outgoing Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Chair Bill Roberts for his seven years of service of which five were as the committee’s chair. Incoming CAC Chair Rick Fernandez, who participated remotely, shared his regards.

“This Board, our CAC, and the community at-large have been well served by Mr. Roberts, and he will be missed.”

The TPO welcomes our new board members and officers as we continue working with our planning partners to shape how we travel through Hillsborough County! To view our latest board meeting, visit

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