The Sunshine Line continues to shine

The MPO’s Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Board (TDCB) is tasked with oversight of the Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) to ensure that the most cost-effective, efficient, and appropriate transportation services are provided to those who, because of disability, age, or income, are unable to provide or purchase their own transportation. Hillsborough’s CTC manages the Sunshine Line, offering door-to-door service and the bus pass program, which provides bus passes to patrons with limited income.

The service was evaluated for reliability, effectiveness, efficiency, availability and safety, and the news is good! Notable achievements of the Sunshine Line in 2015/16 include:
[list type=”star”][li]93% of trips were on time[/li][li]1.1 million miles traveled[/li][li]457,722 trips performed[/li][li]No chargeable accidents[/li][/list]

Hillsborough County continues to provide quality service, meeting or exceeding all but one standard. In the area of Reliability, the number of road calls exceeded the standard of 7 per 100,000 miles. The 2015/16 evaluation report also notes seven new vehicles were acquired in 2016, and fourteen more vehicles have been ordered for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017/18. With 35% of the fleet made up of new vehicles, the number of road calls is expected to decline significantly.


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