The Ride Guide (2020)

slider-ride-guideThe local coordinating boards (LCB) operating in Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas counties guide and coordinate transportation services with the goal of improving quality of life for those who are transportation disadvantaged, including the following:

  • children who are at high risk
  • the elderly
  • those who have a physical or mental disability
  • the economically disadvantaged

In addition, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), passed in 1990, has greatly increased transportation options for people with disabilities. The law called for transportation service improvements, including the availability of paratransit service.   ADA does not require a transit agency to meet all of the transportation needs of individuals; however, the law does require that people  with  disabilities receive “the same mass transportation service opportunities everyone else receives.”

This  brochure  contains  information about services offered under the ADA and  through each  county’s transportation disadvantaged program, as well as other options available to people who are transportation disadvantaged throughout the region.

Ride Guide 2020 PDF (ADA/508)

Ride Guide 2020 Brochure PDF (Print)
