Thank you to our 2017/18 USF Fellows

April 2018 – Plan Hillsborough continues to support the University of South Florida’s Masters in Urban & Regional Planning program through two fellowships each year. By familiarizing emerging planners with community priorities, these talented students contribute their knowledge and skills and are encouraged to remain in Hillsborough County after graduation. This year we’ve enjoyed working with Dayna Lazarus and Christopher Moorman. Each has contributed so much to our agency working on a wide variety of projects for the Hillsborough MPO and Planning Commission.

Dayna’s interests lie in transportation and public engagement. (Yes, she really did dress up as a very approachable traffic signal on Halloween.) She said, “Over the course of eight months, I interacted with hundreds of Hillsborough County residents, passing along information about Vision Zero principles and learning about their transportation needs. I am incredibly grateful for my time here surrounded by so many experienced, thoughtful, and passionate planners!”

Chris expanded on his multidisciplinary skill set, working on many studies and reports. He said, “From this experience, I have gained knowledge in drafting Land Development Code language, GIS applications, rezoning, corridor redevelopment, urban growth management, and much more. I hope to take this new knowledge and apply it to my professional planning career. I would like to thank everyone on the Plan Hillsborough staff for not only challenging me, but also making my time here one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.”

Thank you, Dayna and Chris, for your many contributions. We are certain you both will have bright futures as planners!

View the rest of this month's Connections to Tomorrow articles



