Tampa Comprehensive Plan 2045 Logo

Thank you for participating in the Vision Survey for Tampa’s future!

Tampa Comprehensive Plan 2045 LogoJune 2022 – Like its name foretells, the Vision Section of a Comprehensive Plan lays out a community-derived picture of the future for an area. Building on previous outreach, we asked the City of Tampa’s community to share their ideas. What do you want the future to look like? How can we get there? What problems need solving?  The City of Tampa’s community weighed in on these questions, and provided their own planning suggestions, in our Live Grow Thrive 2045 Comprehensive Plan Vision survey. Staff is currently analyzing the hundreds of responses to develop an updated City of Tampa 2045 Comprehensive Plan Vision Section. This in turn sets the stage and provides a framework for further updates to more specific sections like Housing, Mobility, and Land Use.

Following the update to the Vision, the first topic section scheduled to be updated is One Water: Comprehensive Planning for Water Resources. This section is taking a new approach to holistic water resources planning, and combining policies that were previously spread across multiple areas of the plan r to form its own section. This includes policies that deal with potable water, wastewater, stormwater, and the natural environment

Sign up for updates to keep track of the progress to the Plan’s update and for future opportunities to get involved. You can contact us about the plan, review presentation materials, rewatch the virtual public meeting, and more at LiveGrowThrive2045.com.

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