Tell us your story at the Planning for Equity Storytelling Forum

February 2021 – Do you struggle to access affordable housing, a quality job where you’re paid a living wage, or transportation to get from place to place? Are you a member of a federally-protected demographic group; for example, are you a person of color, low-income, LGBTQ, or have a disability? Come to the virtual Planning for Equity Storytelling Forum and tell our planners your personal story.

Our goal for this event is to collect written and verbal stories from members of demographic groups that are protected by federal legislation about their access issues, and to develop recommendations for the 2021 Nondiscrimination Plan update. We hope to make lasting connections with people in the community who have been negatively impacted by planning decisions so they can lead our planning efforts into the future.

At the Planning for Equity Storytelling Forum, you will learn about the Title VI and Nondiscrimination Plan, view a detailed presentation on the history of discriminatory planning in Hillsborough County, and participate in a discussion on access issues and solutions. We are also seeking Hillsborough County residents interested in participating in an equity focus group. If interested, please take the Community Equity Survey and fill out the contact information at the end of the survey, or email Project Planner Dayna Lazarus at

The Nondiscrimination Plan will be completed in summer 2021. With your voice and your leadership, we can make our county a better place for all to live.

Event: Planning for Equity Storytelling Forum

Date: Saturday, February 13, 2021

Time: 11 am to 1 pm

Location: virtual Zoom event; Register at

View the rest of this month's Connections to Tomorrow articles



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