Tag: Tampa Port Authority

  • Port Authority to build road at Port Redwing

    The Tampa Port Authority Board on [September 16] paved the way for future industrial and manufacturing development at Port Redwing, approving a bid to build a road on to the peninsula.  Infrastructure to lure businesses to the undeveloped swath just north of the Tampa Electric Big Bend Power Station should be completed within about three […]

  • Thank you, Chair Amon, for 10 years of service!

    Thank you, Chair Amon, for 10 years of service!

    Joe Amon was appointed by the Tampa Port Authority to serve on the MPO’s Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) in 2001. A geo-technical engineer with Ardaman & Associates, Joe was elected Chair of the CAC in February 2003. Supported by his wife, Debby Amon, in his CAC duties, he has been re-elected every year until this […]

  • New Port CEO on board

    New Port CEO on board

    In December, the Tampa Port Authority Board of Commissioners voted unanimously today to hire A. Paul Anderson as the authority’s new port director and chief executive, succeeding Richard Wainio, who had served in the position since March 2005. Most recently the port director at the Port of Jacksonville, Mr. Anderson has a distinguished, 30-year professional career […]