Tag: Staff

  • Agency Support

    Agency Support

    The Agency Support team is responsible for grants management, budget preparation, accounting,  auditing, human resources, procurement, and general administrative policy oversight. [divider type=”heading nomargintop”] Meghan Betourney, SPHR: HR Manager, Serves as a consultant to the Executive Director on human resources related issues.  813/565-9386  betourneym@plancom.org Felicia Pulliam: Financial Manager, Responsible for  accounting, fiscal management and budget […]

  • Staff Directory

    Staff Directory

    To contact a staff member by phone dial (813) 272-5940 then speak the staff member’s name when prompted. [list type=”info”][li]Sort the columns by clicking on their titles[/li] [/list] [csv src=https://archive.planhillsborough.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Staff-Directory-3.29.23.csv]

  • FSU honors Tony LaColla as Outstanding Returning Peace Corp Volunteer

    FSU honors Tony LaColla as Outstanding Returning Peace Corp Volunteer

    In November, as part of the 20th anniversary of the Peace Corps Masters International Program in Urban Planning, our own Tony LaColla was selected as the inaugural honoree of the Florida State University (FSU) Outstanding Returning Peace Corp Volunteer Award. Given to an FSU alum who exemplifies the goals of Peace Corps and mission of […]

  • Planning Support Services

    Planning Support Services

    Planning Support Services assists the Agency and its mission by learning, mastering, and providing innovative technologies so that our staff and the public receive effective services and solutions.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ The division works to create and analyze planning data, develop planning tools and innovate online resources (i.e. websites, mapping, interactive applications) for both staff and public participation […]

  • Transportation (TPO Staff)

    Transportation (TPO Staff)

    TPO Staff includes transportation planners, traffic modelers, demographers, urban designers, and other planning professionals. Under the direction of Beth Alden, TPO Executive Director, the diverse skills of the staff ensure that transportation priorities are coordinated with land use, economic development, and regional and statewide plans for all modes of surface transport. [divider type=”heading nomargintop”] Beth […]