Tag: scenario planning

  • National peer exchange features Hillsborough’s work

    National peer exchange features Hillsborough’s work

    Where do you get good information about the long-term implications of short-term decisions? This was a hot topic at the Federal Highway Administration‘s Scenario Planning Peer Exchange recent workshop in Norfolk, Virginia. Hillsborough MPO Executive Director Beth Alden was one of two guest speakers. Hillsborough’s story: Imagine alternative scenarios, crunch the numbers, think out of […]

  • Imagine2040 recognized for vision & performance

    Imagine2040 recognized for vision & performance

    FHWA released a new Performance-Based Planning and Programming through Scenario Planning Guidebook… and the Imagine 2040 was one of three case studies highlighting best practices from around the country. Imagine2040 was recognized for a land-use vision linked to transportation; offering a number of investment packages; and asking the public to weigh in “using performance metrics […]