Tag: safety

  • Five things your city should do to improve intersection safety

    Five things your city should do to improve intersection safety

    WTSP‘s Noah Pransky interviews MPO Exec Dir Beth Alden[divider type=”default”] [testimonial_container speed=”3s” effect=”slide”][testimonial name=”Beth Alden” position=”MPO Executive Director”]Whatever you can do to address speed and bring the speed down, just a little bit, can make a life or death difference. You know, if you design your road like an interstate, people are going to drive […]

  • School Transportation Working Group 1st meeting

    School Transportation Working Group 1st meeting

    On Wednesday, April 27, the MPO held its first School Transportation Committee Working Group meeting. The new group is the brainchild of School Board Member Cindy Stuart, who joined the Hillsborough MPO just last year in a newly created seat for the District. With almost 90,000 students taking school buses to and from school every […]

  • MPO approves Brandon Boulevard study

    MPO approves Brandon Boulevard study

     The MPO board approved the  Brandon Blvd/SR 60 study on  January 7, 2014, including a  number of recommendations to  make this busy highway safer and  easier to navigate by drivers,  bicyclists and people on foot. The study analyzed traffic and  crash data to identify trends and potential areas of concern. Issues identified included: Potential increase […]

  • USF Bulls walk & talk safety

    USF Bulls walk & talk safety

    The Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) held the second annual “Bulls Walk and Bike” week, September 9-13. USF students learned about Florida’s bicycle and pedestrian laws. The event promoted awareness of bicycle and pedestrian safety. The week-long activities kicked off with a press conference and stroll around campus with USF President Judy Genshaft. MPO […]

  • Tampa launches Bright Lights, Safe Nights program

    Tampa launches Bright Lights, Safe Nights program

    Mayor Bob Buckhorn announced in October an initiative to add 8,400 new streetlights in the city over the next five years. Tampa plans to spend $2.2 million increasing the total number nearly 30% above the current 30,000 streetlights. Buckhorn’s “Bright Lights, Safe Nights” program takes on a problem that contributed to the death of a […]