Tag: fatalities

  • Walk-about, drive-about a roundabout

    Walk-about, drive-about a roundabout

    [divider type=”clear”] The Livable Roadways Committee (LRC) had their interest piqued about modern roundabouts during a recent presentation highlighting their significant safety benefits. Excited by statistics like the greater than 90% reduction in fatalities, the LRC graciously accepted the presenter’s offer of a tour to experience local roundabouts firsthand. Committee members, MPO staff, and other local planners joined tour guide Ken Sides […]

  • Fletcher Avenue Complete Street Redesign…a great SUCCESS!

    Fletcher Avenue Complete Street Redesign…a great SUCCESS!

    The results are in. For as many years as crashes had been tracked, Fletcher Avenue was consistently near the top of the list for fatal and serious injury crashes. Even more concerning was that those impacted were often pedestrians and cyclists living in neighborhoods around Fletcher Avenue in what is now referred to as a […]

  • Florida focuses on walk bike safety

    Florida focuses on walk bike safety

    At a joint meeting in December, the BPAC and LRC (Bicycle/Pedestrian and Livable Roadways Committees) heard a presentation by FDOT District One Secretary Billy Hattaway, who serves as FDOT’s Statewide Champion for Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety. Mr. Hattaway gave an update on statewide initiatives to improve biking and walking safety. In November 2011, FDOT Secretary Ananth Prasad […]