Tag: Busch Boulevard

  • Share your vision

    Share your vision

    Please join us for the Innovation Gateway community engagement meeting on April 12, 2017, 5:30-7:30p at MOSI, 4801 E Fowler Avenue in the Coleman Science Works 3D Theatre. Learn more about the I-275 | Fowler and Busch – Innovation Gateway Concept Studies. View and comment on draft interchange vision boards and weigh in on the […]

  • Busch Boulevard Accessibility Evaluation (2006)

    Busch Boulevard Accessibility Evaluation (2006)

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate specific areas on Busch Boulevard where the accessibility of sidewalks, intersections and transit stops can be improved. To informĀ  transportation agencies and local governments of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other access issues importantĀ  to citizens with disabilities. To provide an example of how to institute […]