Tag: bikeway

  • 40th St road diet provides solutions for all

    40th St road diet provides solutions for all

    A roadway design concept envisioned by the MPO’s Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is on its way to becoming a reality. Several years ago, BPAC members asked whether there could be a separated bikeway along 40th Street in East Tampa. The questions was investigated by the MPO’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), which noted that traffic […]

  • Walk Bike Plan extends to New Tampa & Green ARTery

    Walk Bike Plan extends to New Tampa & Green ARTery

    Phase III of Tampa’s Walk Bike Plan was approved by the MPO on October 1, 2013. This phase has two major objectives. The first objective is to complete a city-wide grid by identifying sidewalk and bikeway connections in the New Tampa area.  Intended for experienced commuters, this includes enhanced road crossings, marked lanes, and side […]