Valrico Community Plan

Project Overview



On March 1, 2023, the Board of County Commissioners requested staff to initiate the process to create the Valrico Community Plan. 

A Community Plan is intended to be an extension and refinement of the County’s Comprehensive Plan.  The Comprehensive Plan is general in nature and provides guidance on issues county-wide. A Community Plan is more detailed in nature and intended to provide specific recommendations on issues raised by local stakeholders.

The Plan will be developed in a process that involves the community at each phase and discusses the special and unique characteristics of Valrico. Your participation and feedback helps the Plan examine the issues and opportunities facing the area, provide localized strategies, and portray a shared vision for the future.

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Scope of the Study

  • Create Communitywide Vision
  • Establish Community Goals
  • Develop Strategies to Further Goals
  • Create Community Concept Map


Valrico by the Numbers

  • In 2022, Valrico was home to about 50,000 people, 18,000 residences, and 2,000 jobs.
  • 31% of the population of Valrico is between the ages of 45 and 64 years old.

Phase 1

Existing Conditions

Spring – Summer 2023

Phase 2

Public Outreach

Spring – Winter 2023

Phase 3

Draft Plan and Policy Recommendations

Fall 2023 – Spring 2024

Public Engagement

Community Meetings

Meetings will be held in summer 2023. Check back soon for more information.




Submit a Public Comment


Q: Why is this study being conducted?

A: This study was requested by the Board of County Commissioners to create the Valrico Community Plan. 

Q: What are the geographic boundaries of this study?

A: Please see the map section.  The boundaries of the proposed Community Plan may change with public input.

Q: What will be produced by this study?

A: This study will result in the creation of the Valrico Community Plan. The Plan will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration and potentially result in amendments to the Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan and/or Land Development Code. Any final policy changes are at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners.

Q: When will this study be concluded?

A: It is anticipated that the Plan will be completed in 2024.

Q: Is the County interested in buying my property?

A: No. This study does not seek to purchase private property nor is this a study for the use of eminent domain.

Q: How can I stay involved?

A:  Get updates on this project by clicking on the Sign me up! button above.


Phase 1


Project Plans & Studies

Check back soon

Presentations & Meetings

Check back soon

Supporting Documents

Valrico Economic and Demographic Profile


Valrico general boundary map



Jay Collins, AICP, Special Area Studies Manager

T: 813-582-7335

Alvaro Gabaldon, Planner II, Special Area Studies

T: 813-582-7349

Sofia Garantiva, AICP, Senior Planner, Special Area Studies

T: 813-582-7320



