Plant City – Right. Now.

Ready for economic growth and development

Plant City Economic DevelopmentPlant City and its leaders are dedicated to its growth and development. “Plant City’s proximity to major roadways as well as Port Tampa Bay is ideal for corporations in industries such as manufacturing, distribution, and logistics,” said Mayor Rick Lott, City of Plant City. “Many agencies are working together to streamline the process for new commercial development and corporate relocations here, creating a welcoming environment that is friendly to companies looking to expand their operations and impact on the market.”

The City has developed a Strategic Guide for future growth and development that specifically includes an action plan to meet goals in the following areas:

  • Unique Sense of Place
  • Thriving Local Economy
  • Superior Education/Skills
  • Quality Services and Infrastructure
  • Citizen Involvement

Poised to capitalize on its untapped business district, Plant City held an economic development forum on May 6 with a jam-packed crowd of energized supporters. The forum highlighted why Plant City is a great place to do business.
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The Planning Commission, on behalf of the City of Plant City, applied for a technical assistance grant from the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) in the amount of $20,000 to develop the zoning district and related land development regulations to implement the strategies that were adopted as part of the I-4 Tech Corridor Overlay. In addition to supporting the vision, the overlay district:

  • Discourages Urban Sprawl
  • Advances Energy-Efficient Land Use Patterns
  • Promotes Mixed Land Uses
  • Directs Development to areas served by Public Facilities
  • Preserves Open Space & Environmentally Sensitive Areas

Adopted as part of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Plant City in October 2010, this overlay district intends to build, diversify, and expand the local employment opportunities in Plant City. In December 2014, the DEO grant was awarded, allowing the Planning Commission to engage Michael Lauer of Planning Works, LLC, who had assisted with the original study and related plan amendments. The land development regulations are expected to be adopted in July, providing one more piece of the puzzle making Plant City Right. Now.