Comprehensive Plan Policy Review

The Comprehensive Plan Policy and Review Division consists of a skilled group of professional planners responsible for the management, oversight and interpretation of the Comprehensive Plans for the four jurisdictions within Hillsborough County: Tampa, Temple Terrace, Plant City and Unincorporated Hillsborough County.

The Division’s responsibilities include: the review and analysis by staff in making a determination or finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, as it relates to proposed changes to the adopted Plan text or Future Land Use Map of the respective jurisdiction;

Cursory review of land-use-related text changes to the Land Development Code, rezonings, special studies and other applicable consistency reviews related to the respective jurisdiction’s Comprehensive Plan and the presentation of those findings to the elected bodies of each jurisdiction for their consideration;

Interfacing with the planning staff of the local client governments, in addition to collaborating with external local, regional and state review agencies on Comprehensive Plan-related issues.

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David A. Hey, AICP, Division Director, With over 20 years of experience, Mr. Hey oversees and coordinates Division staff members on the review of numerous, legally mandated consistency reviews, including plan amendments, rezonings, and changes to the Land Development Code within the County’s three municipalities and the unincorporated areas. The Division also works closely with jurisdictional staff on the update of the Comprehensive Plan, 813/582-7375

Melissa Lienhard, AICP, Executive Planner, Ms. Lienhard is the agency’s designated liaison to Unincorporated Hillsborough County and also serves as lead planner for the rezoning group, which is tasked with providing consistency findings on rezonings and minor modifications for Unincorporated Hillsborough County. Ms. Lienhard also represents the Planning Commission at the County zoning hearing master public hearings, in addition to land use public hearings before the Board of County Commissioners. Ms. Lienhard also reviews Comprehensive Plan map and text amendments. (Primary jurisdiction; Unincorporated County), 813/547-4364

Jennifer Malone, AICP,  Executive Planner, Ms. Malone is the agency’s designated liaison to the City of Tampa and serves as lead planner for the Tampa rezoning review group. Ms. Malone also reviews proposed land development code amendments, plan amendment requests, and coordinates the plan amendment process. Ms. Malone represents the Planning Commission at Tampa City Council rezoning public hearings and is a Planning Commission appointee to the Transportation Advisory Committee (primary jurisdiction; City of Tampa), 813/582-7324

Yeneka Mills, Executive Planner, Ms. Mills is the agency’s designated liaison to the Cities of Temple Terrace and Plant City. Ms. Mills will present staff findings at public hearings.  Responsibilities include counseling  Plan Amendment applicants, reviewing amendment requests, analyzing policies, and preparing/presenting recommendations at public hearings, 813/547-4373

Krista Kelly, AICP, Plan Amendment Coordinator, Reviews, and provides recommendations regarding Plan Amendments primarily for the cities of Plant City and Temple Terrace and presents staff findings at public hearings.  Responsibilities include counseling  Plan Amendment applicants, reviewing amendment requests, analyzing policies, and preparing/presenting recommendations at public hearings, 813/803-9328

Karla Llanos, Plan Amendment Coordinator, With experience in public and private sector planning in multiple jurisdictions throughout Florida, Ms. Llanos’s primary duties include managing the Plan Amendment process for Unincorporated Hillsborough County and reviewing rezonings for consistency with the Unincorporated Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan. She also is a liaison between the Planning Commission and the Spanish-speaking community, and is part of the Non-discrimination and Equity Plan Implementation team,813/212-0650,

Danny Collins, Principal Planner, Mr. Collins primary duties include the analysis and development of rezoning and Plan Amendment reports for the City of Tampa and presenting those findings before the Planning Commission Board and Tampa City Council. Mr. Collins also represents the Planning Commission in his collaborations with City of Tampa staff at development review meetings. (Primary Jurisdiction: City of Tampa) 813/582-7374

Jillian Massey, Senior Planner, Ms. Massey’s responsibilities include managing the Land Development Code consistency reviews for unincorporated Hillsborough County, providing consistency findings on rezonings, school sites, and minor modifications for Unincorporated Hillsborough County. Ms. Massey also reviews Land Development Code amendments and Comprehensive Plan map and text amendments. (Primary jurisdiction; Unincorporated Hillsborough County), 813/565-9315,

Andrea Papandrew, Senior Planner, Ms. Papandrew’s primary duties include the analysis and development of rezonings and Comprehensive Plan map and text amendments for the Unincorporated Hillsborough County. Ms. Papandrew also represents the Planning Commission at the County zoning hearing master public hearings. Ms. Papandrew is also working on the Future Land Use Element update of the Unincorporated Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan. (Primary jurisdiction; Unincorporated County), 813/665-1331

Emily Phelan, Planner II, Ms. Phelan’s primary duties include managing the Land Development Code consistency reviews for the City of Tampa, analyzing and developing rezoning, Plan Amendment reports, and any other legally required consistency reviews for the City of Tampa. Ms. Phelan also presents those findings before the Planning Commission, Tampa City Council, and any other City of Tampa Board. Ms. Phelan also represents the Planning Commission in his collaborations with City of Tampa staff at Development Review Committee meetings. 813/756-0332

Sam Thomas, Planner I, Mr. Thomas’s primary duties include analyzing and developing rezoning, Plan Amendment reports, and any other legally required consistency reviews for the City of Tampa. Mr. Thomas also presents those findings before the Planning Commission, Tampa City Council, and any other City of Tampa Board. Mr. Thomas also represents the Planning Commission in his collaborations with City of Tampa staff at Development Review Committee meetings. 813-212-0526

Bryce FehringerPlanner I, Mr. Fehringer’s primary duties include analyzing and developing rezoning reports, vacating reports, Plan Amendment reports, and any other legally required consistency reviews for Unincorporated Hillsborough County. Mr. Fehringer also presents those findings before the Planning Commission and the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Fehringer also represents the Planning Commission in his collaborations with Hillsborough County staff at monthly review meetings. (Primary jurisdiction; Unincorporated County),  813/582-7359

Wally GallartPlanner I, Mr. Gallart’s primary duties include analyzing and developing rezoning reports, vacating reports, Plan Amendment reports, and any other legally required consistency reviews for Unincorporated Hillsborough County. Mr. Gallart also presents those findings before the Planning Commission and the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Gallart also represents the Planning Commission in his collaborations with Hillsborough County staff at monthly review meetings. (Primary jurisdiction; Unincorporated County), 813-210-9310



In addition to their primary duties, the Comprehensive Plan Policy Review Division staff members also:

  • Provide general land use counseling and information to citizens, government bodies, land use professionals and other agencies as it relates to the Jurisdictional Comprehensive Plan
  • Conduct field visits and evaluations for land use proposals
  • Participate in publicly advertised community/neighborhood meetings, as needed



