Peer Cities Best Practices: Private Involvement in Transfer/Intermodal Centers and in Transit Information Systems (2012)

slider-transit-shelterThis technical memorandum summarizes a project undertaken by Gannett Fleming, Inc., under contract with the Hillsborough County MPO, on behalf of the MPO’s planning partner, the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART). HART requested that the MPO and its consultant investigate opportunities for private investments in transit centers, park and ride facilities, intermodal centers, and passenger information real‐time applications for possible application to HART’s current and planned facility development. In addition, as other opportunities were identified, they have also been included in this memorandum. Specific motivations for private sector partnership with HART include:

  • Direct access to transit riders as potential customers,
  • Advertising a product to transit riders,
  • Advertising to non‐transit riders,
  • Promotion of a “good corporate citizen” theme, and
  • Economies of scale in facility construction and operation through joint development.


Final Report: HART Private Sector Participation