transportation equity graphic

MPO takes positive step towards transportation equity

September 2020 – At the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting on June 10, Mr. Hoyt Prindle shared a draft resolution on racial discrimination which supports peaceful protests and ending racial discrimination in transportation. Mr. Prindle’s draft included edits by CAC members. At the same meeting, the CAC subcommittee on Racial Discrimination and Equity was formed to review the language of the resolution and Mr. Prindle was appointed the Chair. Mr. David Bailey, Mr. Cliff Reiss, Ms. Dayna Lazarus, and Ms. Christine Acosta also volunteered to serve on the subcommittee. The group met with staff and members of the public, held a vigorous discussion, and without haste finalized the draft for review and approval by the full CAC at its August meeting. The CAC unanimously approved the resolution with a vote of fifteen to zero.

The Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Board adopted the resolution at their August 31 board meeting. Following discussion, the board voted thirteen to zero and approved the Resolution on Racial Discrimination. The MPO Board wants to ensure more robust access to all modes of transportation with a more intentional focus on the needs of African American and other historically excluded communities in Hillsborough County. The MPO’s Nondiscrimination Plan will be updated over the next year and the agency is welcoming feedback from the public. Opportunities to participate are forthcoming. Questions and suggestions can be shared with Dayna Lazarus at

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