bicyclists from the All Love cycling group biking through Ybor City

MPO Racial Equity Resolution (2020)

bicyclists from the All Love cycling group biking through Ybor CityA Racial Equity Resolution was proposed by the MPO Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) at the meeting held on June 20, 2020. A Subcommittee on Racial Discrimination & Equity was formed to craft the language of the Resolution. The subcommittee met on June 23, and the final draft of the Resolution was proposed and adopted unanimously at the August 12, 2020 meeting of the CAC. On August 31, 2020, the Racial Equity Resolution was unanimously approved by the Hillsborough MPO Board. It was resolved that the Hillsborough MPO would ensure more robust access to all modes of transportation with a more intentional focus on the needs of African American, Latinx and other historically disenfranchised communities in Hillsborough County, and that staff would develop action items in support of the resolution.



