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Metropolitan Planning Organization now doing business as the Transportation Planning Organization

May 2021 – The Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is now the Hillsborough Transportation Planning Organization (TPO). The name change comes as the organization seeks to better connect its brand to its mission. A policy-making board, the TPO oversees funding for Hillsborough County’s comprehensive transportation planning process. In April 2021, TPO Board members voted to approve the new name.

“We’re excited,” TPO Executive Director Beth Alden said. “Our new name better reflects our mission and how our organization fits into the overall work of Plan Hillsborough.”

The TPO has a legacy of transportation planning than spans 57 years. Established in 1964, it was mandated by the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962 to ensure regional cooperation in transportation planning. To read more about the TPO’s purpose and history, visit: https://archive.planhillsborough.org/mpo-board/.

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