Lutz Community Plan

The Planning Commission led the process to develop strategies to implement the ‘Vision’ of the community citizens.  Strategies include implementation measures for: semi-rural, single-family residential community character; suburban style planned residential community character; commercial character and location; streetscape/roadways; schools; transportation; and water quality and quantity (wetlands, open space, environment, wildlife, and natural systems).

Lutz Downtown Overlay District Plan
The Planning Commission will be working on a Downtown Activity Center plan for the area generally located at Lutz Lake Fern Road and US Highway 41. The plan may be defined as an overlay district within the County’s Land Development regulations, is anticipated to recognize the areas unique characteristics, incorporate design guidelines which reflect the historic development pattern already in place and promote desirable complements to that pattern.

Project Information
The Lutz Community Plan was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on October 25, 2000 by Ordinance No. 00-36.  The Plan became effective January 9, 2001.  The community plan area is located in northwest Hillsborough County and is generally bordered on the east by I-275, on the north by Pasco County, on the west by the Suncoast Parkway, and on the South by the Urban Service Area boundary.

The Planning Commission has completed the Lutz Community Plan.

Plan amendments to incorporate the community plan into the Comprehensive Plan and to adjust densities and intensities within the community have been adopted.  Land Development Regulations (LDR) to address unique development issues identified in the Plan are currently in the adoption process.  There were no specific capital improvements projects identified within the Lutz Community Plan.

Lutz Community Plan Documents

