Imagine 2040 Town Hall

A Spring Home Show hit!

1455On March 14th, at the Spring Florida’s Largest Home Show at the Florida State Fairgrounds, Turner Expositions made history by hosting their first-ever Town Hall meeting – our Imagine 2040 panel discussion. In addition to our interactive planning display at the center of the Home Show, we invited people to join us in a conversation about community improvements; it was the perfect synergy between people interested in improving their homes as well as the quality of life in our community.

We wish to warmly thank our moderator, WFLA’s 970 AM Tampa Bay’s Jack Harris, and all of our fantastic panelists:

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[testimonial_container speed=”5000″ effect=”fade”][testimonial name=” Lisa Montelione” position=”Tampa City Council, Metropolitan Planning Organization – Vice Chair & Chair of the MPO’s Livable Roadways Committee”]We need to protect our natural assets and vision what we can accomplish now, so we are prepared for the future.[/testimonial] [testimonial name=”David Pogorilich” position=”Temple Terrace City Council – Councilmember”]There is stronger cooperation among jurisdictions than ever before to make these types of investments for our future.[/testimonial] [testimonial name=” Derek Doughty” position=” Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission – Chair”]It’s fantastic the number of people, citizens and businesses alike, involved in the Imagine 2040 vision for future. We’re looking forward to even more participating in our next phase this summer.[/testimonial] [testimonial name=” Laura Simpson” position=” Greater Brandon Chamber of Commerce – President & CEO”]This vision supports the type of economic development we need so our kids won’t have to move away for good schools or great jobs. We need to advance our community.[/testimonial] [testimonial name=”Christine Burdick” position=”Tampa Downtown Partnership – President”]Imagine 2040 takes into consideration our diverse community and offers choices for how people can live, work, play, and get around.[/testimonial] [testimonial name=”Jennifer Doerfel” position=” Tampa Bay Builders Association – Vice President & CEO -“]This vision supports all types of housing products, with increased opportunities to live downtown but still having suburban and rural choices[/testimonial] [testimonial name=”Ray Chiaramonte” position=” Planning Commission & MPO – Executive Director “]Ray presented the results from the 2013 Imagine 2040 survey, opening the door to a robust conversation among Jack Harris, the panel, and Home Show attendees[/testimonial] [testimonial name=”Rick Mellette” position=”President Affordable Roofing Systems Inc.”]As a vendor at the show, I sat in on your meeting. I found the discussion interesting… Tampa Bay’s future success depends on logistics and the ease of commuting. Developing downtown for residential use and better transportation, etc,. needs to be figured out now! Utilizing existing RR tracks makes common sense… The Turner Home Show platform was a great idea.[/testimonial] [/testimonial_container]

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We can’t thank our partners at Turner Expositions enough for giving our Town Hall a big welcome. We’re really looking forward to participating the 4-day Labor Day Weekend Home Show! So, rev up your engines, because there are some really cool things on track for the next super-sized home show…

…And you’ve just got to go… and be involved. Stay tuned!


