Imagine 2040 Extended thru November 11th!

It’s your turn to weigh in on our future!





[slider speed=”5000″ effect=”fade” direction=”horizontal”][slide text=”Citizens learning to use our Survey Kiosk”][/slide] [slide text=”Citizens on Survey Ipads”][/slide] [slide text=”More Citizens using Survey Kiosk”][/slide] [/slider]


10,000+ have visited since mid-August!

We’ve extended through November 11th, so even more of you can weigh in!

With 600,000 new residents expected by 2040, it has never been more important for you to tell us your vision for Hillsborough County’s future. So, visit, complete the interactive survey, and tell your family and friends to do the same.

Read more about Imagine2040 in our last issue of Beyond Today. And remember, we love to travel! If you would like a presentation about Imagine2040 for your office, group, or organization, please call 813/272-5940 or email us at



