imagine 2040 | Comprehensive Plans

[divider type=”clear”]people. places. natural spaces.

Updates to the Comprehensive Plans for Tampa, Temple Terrace, Plant City, and unincorporated Hillsborough County are currently being processed. Findings from extensive public engagement in Imagine 2040 Part 1 and Part 2 have been used to help develop these updates. Restructured to be more user-friendly, the new plans feature:

  • Standardized format for all jurisdictions
  • Easier to read font and landscape orientation
  • Streamlined and consolidated content
  • Regulatory policies moved to Land Development Code

In other words, we’ve cut out some fat and slimmed down! The updated plans emphasize local priorities and focus on:

  • VISIONCountywide & jurisdiction specific
  • PEOPLEDemographics, population & job projections
  • PLACES Land use, neighborhoods, schools, housing & how we connect them
  • NATURAL SPACESRecreation, open spaces, coastal & environmental management
  • GOVERNANCE & IMPLEMENTATIONIntergovernmental coordination, capital improvement plans, administration & implementation

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City of Temple Terrace Comprehensive Plan Update

Temple Terrace Plan Cover

Imagine 2040 feedback included preserving urban and suburban housing choices, with an emphasis on bringing more mixed use urban style development to major corridors and activity centers.

Activity Centers are the intersections of major multi-modal corridors on the City’s Vision Map. In the update, goals, objectives, and policies begin to incentivize redevelopment along multi-modal corridors and within major activity centers as well as promote safer streets and alternative forms of transportation. Proposals for these areas promote redevelopment of non-residential properties into mixed-use developments that include medium density residential, office, and commercial uses along major multi-modal corridors.

Bonus Intensity Zone (BIZ), a new overlay district, has been developed to incentive higher density development within a quarter mile of transit stops. By using New Urbanist design principals, developers could receive a 25% residential density or commercial intensity bonus over what is currently allowed under the existing land use category using the BIZ Overlay.

Complete Streets are focused on so new development encourages walking, bicycling, and public transportation use, and makes these transportation options safe and convenient. A key component supports the orientation of buildings toward pedestrian and transit infrastructure rather than toward automobile infrastructure. The ultimate goal is to create neighborhoods whose physical layout and land use mix promote transportation choices that are safe and welcoming for everyone.

Review the draft plan. The updated Temple Terrace Comprehensive Plan has been reduced from 700 pages to 300 pages. Entering the public hearing phase on its path to adoption expected in early 2016, the plan will go to a Planning Commission Public Hearing on August 24 and a Temple Terrace City Council Public Hearing on October 20. Comments and feedback can also be provided to Tony LaColla, AICP or reach him by phone at 813/273-3774 x350.
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City of Plant City Comprehensive Plan Update

The draft PlCity of Plant Cityant City Comprehensive Plan addresses legislative mandates, corrects inconsistencies, prioritizes resources, and updates project statuses. The Plan supports the integrity and character of local neighborhoods and environmentally sensitive areas, and encourages future economic opportunities within Plant City.

Some highlights of proposed changes include allowed development patterns within Midtown to be consistent with the adopted Midtown Redevelopment Vision Plan. Flexibility has been added to the build-to-lines and parking withing the Mixed Use – Gateway. Medical and distribution facilities have been added to the list of eligible uses that may be considered within the I-4 Tech Corridor Overlay. Also, an appeal process for text and map boundary line interpretations of the plan have been included.

The draft update is currently available for review. Meetings and public hearings have been scheduled beginning at the Planning Commission Public Hearing on August 24 at 5:30 p.m. The updated plan will then be presented to the Plant City Planning Board on August 27. The Plant City City Commission transmittal public hearing is currently scheduled for October 12. Adoption of the plan is expected in early 2016. For more information, contact Mark Hudson, AICP, at 813/273-3774 x338 or Jay Collins, AICP, at 813/273-3774 x335.
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 City of Tampa Comprehensive Plan Update

City of TampaThe City of Tampa Comprehensive Plan update was featured in the June issue of Beyond Today. The draft plan is available for review and comment online. You are warmly invited to attend upcoming presentations, open house discussions, and public hearings to learn more and comment at:

Aug 20th 9a AT: Tampa City Council Special Call Meeting (after CRA) Tampa City Hall (also on CTTV)
Sept 14th 5:30p AT: Planning Commission Public Hearing County Center, 18th floor Boardroom (also on HTV)
Sept 24th 5:30p AT: Tampa City Council Transmittal Public Hearing Tampa City Hall (also on CTTV)

If you would like to schedule a presentation for your group or organization, please contact Tony Garcia, AICP, at 813.273.3774 x332.
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Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan Update

Hillsborough County

At a workshop on July 29, the Board of County Commissioners endorsed Guiding Principles for the future growth of Hillsborough County. Developed by Planning Commission and County Administration staffs, these principals will guide and focus priorities, providing a common framework for decision-making on planning for a thriving future.
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Setting consideration of the Capital Improvement Program, potential Urban Service Area expansion, redevelopment and infill, mobility fees, and the Imagine 2040 Comprehensive Plan upon a common foundation, the five Guiding Principles are:

  • Quality of Life
  • Fiscal Sustainability
  • Economic Prosperity
  • Responsible Growth
  • Consistency of Action

The Hillsborough County Guiding Principles for Future Growth will be presented at the August 10 meeting of the Planning Commission at 2:00 p.m. Please join us on the 18th floor of County Center at 601 E Kennedy Boulevard or tune in to HTV to watch live. Work will continue on the County Comprehensive Plan update through 2016. For more information, contact Stephen Griffin, AICP, at 813/273-3774 x353.


