person walking on sidewalk in suburb

How do you see the future of Hillsborough County?

person walking on sidewalk in suburbMarch 2023 – With its enduring natural beauty, unique charm, and diversity, Unincorporated Hillsborough County is attracting national attention and unprecedented growth, both regionally and locally, as we expect an additional 350,000 people and 107,000 jobs by 2045*. While the success of the County brings many benefits to our communities, its growth also creates a series of challenges for current and future residents, businesses, and visitors.

Now is your opportunity to help update the Future Land Use Section of the Unincorporated Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan which will serve as a guide to how we and where we will grow over the next 20+ years. The Comprehensive Plan touches nearly every facet of our lives — where we live and work, what transportation options we have, opportunities for recreation, and how to protect our natural assets, neighborhood character, and vital resources. Take the 5-10-minute interactive, online survey to share your thoughts to be eligible for a drawing for one of five $100 Publix gift cards!

*Source: Planning Commission 2045 projections as of March 2023

What is Future Land Use?

Future Land Use (FLU) is a specific section within the Unincorporated Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan that focuses on long range planning and describes the future land use map that outlines allowable density or intensity for a particular area. In other words, it’s a community’s blueprint for growth which outlines how the land can be used to facilitate the community’s vision.

The section touches on the themes of growth management, community context, development, the built environment, balance with natural resources, and economic development.

Why are we updating it?

The purpose of the update is to ensure the character and location of land uses optimizes the combined potentials for economic benefit and the enjoyment and the protection of natural resources while minimizing the threat to health, safety, and welfare posed by hazards, nuisances, incompatible land uses, and environmental degradation. With a common goal of advancing the community’s vision for the future, this section will also help direct investments that balance future growth with neighborhood values, while keeping pace with emerging trends and innovative ideas.

How can you get involved?

To ensure the Plan update reflects the needs and desires of the County’s residents, we need to hear from you! The feedback provided will directly help guide the decisions that will be made throughout the Future Land Use update process. Tell us: What do you think should be in the Plan? How should we grow? Where should we grow? Take the 5-10-minute interactive, online survey to share your thoughts! The survey is also available in Spanish here. Leave your email and home zip code at the end of the survey to be eligible for a drawing for one of five $100 Publix gift cards! The survey will be open through April 30.

The first public engagement meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday, April 25 from 6–8 pm and will cover the goals and discuss upcoming potential changes of the Future Land Use Section. Register for the meeting here. There will be additional opportunities for the public to weigh in at virtual and in-person community meetings this spring and summer, and at meetings of the Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). Visit the project page to take the online survey, view upcoming public meetings, and sign up for the email list so you never miss an update!

View the rest of this month's Connections to Tomorrow articles



