How are we doing? (TPO Federal Certification Review)

Time4Review_IconOur Federal Certification Review is held every four years.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit  Administration (FTA) conduct reviews of designated Transportation Management Areas. The Tampa Bay TMA is made up of the Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas MPOs. The primary purpose of the review is to certify that the TMA is satisfactorily meeting the planning requirements as defined in Federal laws and regulation. The certification also provides FHWA and FTA the opportunity to add value to the TMA’s planning processes through the sharing of best or innovative planning practices, techniques, and/or technology.

The Federal Certification Review Team held a virtual public meeting in January 2021 to solicit comments from citizens on the MPO and TMA. Several members of the public spoke, and the public comment period was held open for a month so that citizens could submit written comments directly to the federal review team. All public comments were considered in a federal report on the TMA’s performance, posted below.

Draft Final Certification Hillsborough MPO 2021


