Happy New (Fiscal) Year! New projects slated for 2015

capital improvementsOctober 1st marks the beginning of a new fiscal year, and local governments have been busy preparing their budgets. On September 17th, the City of Tampa adopted a $876 million budget for fiscal year 2015. It includes some notable capital improvements to rebuild and enhance streets including:
[list type=”bullet”][li]Completion of the Riverwalk in downtown Tampa[/li][li]Extension of West River Trail from Cass St to Columbus Dr[/li][li]Bike lanes, sidewalks, lighting and drainage improvements on Lois Ave in Drew Park[/li][li]”Complete street” for Palm Ave in Tampa Heights[/li][li]Cypress St shared use path[/li][li]2-way conversion of Cass and Tyler Streets in downtown Tampa[/li][li]Advanced Traffic Management System[/li][li]63 miles of resurfacing city streets[/li][/list]

More information is posted on the City’s website.

Hillsborough’s Board of County Commissioners adopted their budget on September 18th, including the 5-year Capital Improvement Program. Major construction projects expected to get underway in FY 2015 include:
[list type=”bullet”][li]8-laning Bruce B Downs Blvd from Bearss Ave to Palms Springs Blvd, including sidewalks and side path[/li][li]4-laning Bell Shoals Rd from Boyette Rd to Bloomingdale Ave, including new signals, sidewalks and bike lanes[/li][li]Wrapping up the “complete street” project on Fletcher Ave from Nebraska Ave to 50th St, including new crosswalks, pedestrian safety refuge islands in the median, and a new sidewalk on the south side of Fletcher Ave[/li][/list]

More information on Hillsborough County projects is available here.


