FDOT considers options for SR 60 east

StateRoad60_PDnE_StudyMapThe Florida Department of Transportation is conducting a Project Development and Environment Study (PD&E) for SR 60 from Valrico Road to the Polk County Line. The purpose is to identify and evaluate design concepts for six-laning the road and determine any potential effects on the natural and human environment.

The study, which began in June 2012, identifies two alternative design concepts: a complete re-construction that would need no additional right-of-way, or saving the existing pavement which would require more right-of-way at key locations.

These were presented at a public workshop held on March 18th at Strawberry Ridge Community Center in Dover. The study was also presented to the MPO’s advisory committees for their comments.

The Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Technical Advisory Committee, and Livable Roadways Committee all expressed concern about the safety of bicyclists and walkers, and urged consideration of features such as side paths and buffers in the design.

On April 1st, the MPO board approved a letter to FDOT reiterating the concerns of the committees. The study is slated to wrap up with a formal public hearing later this summer. Later phases for design, right-of-way acquisition and construction are not funded.

For more information, contact FDOT Project Manager, Stephanie Pierce.


